

namespace Liaison\Test\Disabled;

 * For this to work with method calls that are not found, you need to set an error handler & throw an ErrorException like:
 * ```
 * public function throwError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
 *      throw new \ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline);
 * }
 * ```
class ExceptionCatcher extends \Tlf\Tester {

    public function testCatchMethodNotFound(){

        // due to significant internal changes, i think the exception catcher would need to change. idk. don't care right now.

        $method_name = 'nahnahnah';
        $ns = 'catch-test';
        $lia = new \Lia();
        $package = new \Lia\Package($lia, $ns);
        $addon = new \Lia\Addon($package);

        $lia->addMethod('xyz', function(){return 'xyz';});
        $lia->addMethod($ns.'.def', function(){return 'def';});
        $lia->addMethod($ns.'.addon.abc', function(){return 'abc';});

        try {
            $line = __LINE__ + 1;
        } catch (\Exception $e){
            $output = ob_get_clean();
        echo "\n\n##### output message:\n";
        echo $output;
        $this->str_contains($output, "Message: Api method `${method_name}` does note exist on Lia");
        $this->str_contains($output, '- File: ' . __FILE__);
        $this->str_contains($output, '- Line: '. $line);
        $this->str_contains($output, '- Function: __call');

