

namespace Lia;

 * A class to organize all hook names across the main package.
 * This class started on Aug 22, 2024. Pre-existing hooks may get added into here, but I have no explicit plans to do that.
 * New hooks hopefully will all be added here.
class Hooks {

     * Registered hooks should be:
     * function receive_hook(Lia\Package\Server $package_routes_are_loaded_from, $array_of_patterns): array of patterns
     * $array_of_patterns is array<string rel_file_name, string url> & return value should be same.
    const PACKAGE_ROUTE_PATTERNS_LOADED = 'lia:package.route_patterns_loaded';

     * Called after all packages are ready, before routes are selected or filtered. 
     * method signature: function(\Lia\Obj\Request $request, \Lia\Obj\Response $response): void;
     * This is a good time to add extra routes in special circumstances. 
     * For example, to add an extra layer of protection to admin routes, you should only add them if the logged-in-user is already verified as an admin. But user-role checks require database access, so this adds extra computation. Therefore, you might use REQUEST_STARTED hook to check if the request is to `/admin/...` and ONLY then check the user role and add the admin routes.
    const REQUEST_STARTED = 'RequestStarted';

     * Called after a view's content has been loaded. Provides an opportunity to modify this content.
     * This only supports having one registered handler. More than one registered will throw exception 
     * @param $view is a file path or a callable. Callable may be an anonymous function or an array (`[$obj, 'method']`) or string 'some_function'.
     * @return string content The original content will be replaced with whatever the hook handler returns
     * function handle_view_loaded(?string $namespace, string $view_name, mixed $view, string $content): string
    const VIEW_LOADED = 'lia:server.view_loaded';

     * Called after the list of possible routes is reduced to one route, before the route is processed (before page content is rendered).
     * You cannot modify the route, but you can throw an exception or `exit`, or check user access. 
     * @param $route the requested url, params, and target on the server
     * function handle_routes_filtered(\Lia\Obj\Route $route): void {}
     * @deprecated string value 'RoutesFiltered' will likely be removed at some point. This const var name will likely remain the same.
    const ROUTES_FILTERED = 'RoutesFiltered';

     * Called after a route is processed & page content is rendered, before the theme is applied. You can modify the response headers and content.
     * @param $route the requested url, params, and target on the server
     * @param $response HTTP Headers and response content (theme has not been applied yet).
     * function handle_route_resolved(\Lia\Obj\Route $route, \Lia\Obj\Response $response): void {}
    const ROUTE_RESOLVED = 'RouteResolved';
