
Views are php scripts loaded by the View addon that typically produce HTML output, and may have associated css and js files. Your Theme view will call \Lia\Addon\Resources::from($lia)->getHtml() to automatically include those resource files on the page. View scripts receive an array of arguments from the calling PHP code.

Markdown support can be added via Hooks. Views are typically files, organized in the view dir of your package. View can also be added manually with any file target or as a callable.

Related: Theme, Markdown Support, Resources [CSS & Javascript], Views Addon, Packages


  • Display a view
  • Create a view
  • CSS & Javascript Files
  • Add Views Manually
  • Replace an existing view
  • Callable Views

Display a view

Views are displayed by calling \Lia\Addon\View::view('namespace:viewname', [...]). The namespace is the the package's namespace (no vendor) followed by the view's name (with the .php extension removed if it's a file.)

Example of a public file loading a view.

$bear_names = ['sasha', 'strawbeary', 'peter'];  
$va = \Lia\Addon\View::from($lia);  
// Loads the view file `view/bear-names-list.php` in the package `reedybear:fun-bear`  
echo $va->view('fun-bear:bear-names-list', ['bearnames'=>$bear_names]);  

Create a view

Views are just simple PHP scripts that typically output HTML. They are called from within the View addon, so $this refers to an instance of \Lia\Addon\View.

Example of a view.

* @param $this \Lia\Addon\View the View addon instance that is loading this view  
* @param $view array view information, like the view `'type'=(main, file, or callable)` AND `name=bear-names-list && dir=ABSOLUTE_PATH` or `file=ABSOLUTE_PATH` or `callable=function(){...}`   
<h1>Bear Names</h1>  
<?php foreach ($bearnames as $index => $name): ?>  
<li><a href="/bear/<?=$name?>/"><?=$name?></a></li>  
<?php endforeach; ?>  

To load the package for the current view:

$package = $this->packages[$view['name']];  

Note: This package-loading mechanism is highly flawed, will be changed, and currently may load the wrong package if there are same-named views in different packages. (2025-02-02)

CSS & Javascript Files

CSS & Javascript files are loaded automatically for main views - views within your view dir, added via addDir() or via addView().

Files with the .css or .js extension that share a name with the view file are loaded. .css and .js files in the same-named sub-directory are also loaded (1 deep). The next level subdirectory (2 deep) is not loaded.

Views added via addViewFile() and addViewCallable() do not have any resource files automatically loaded.

Example directory structure
Displaying bear-fun:bear-names-list:

    public/ ...  
       bear-names-list.php # The view being loaded  
       bear-names-list.css # added automatically  
       bear-names-list.js # added automatically  
       bear-names-list/ # descended into  
           fancy-list.css # added automatically  
           animated-bear-names.css # added automatically  
           additional-scripts.js #  added automatically  
           bear-list-item.php # NOT loaded   
           bear-list-item/ # NOT descended into  
               bear-list-item.css # NOT added   
               bear-list-item.js # NOT added   

Add Views Manually

Views can be added 5 different ways.

  1. view/ dir: .php files in the view/ dir of your package are automatically loaded.
  2. addDir(string dir, \Lia\Package $package): loads views within a directory. (css & js files are automatically added)
  3. addView(string $view_name, string $dir): Add a single view with support for css & js file loading. Do NOT include the .php extension. DO include a namespace in $view_name, like fun-bear:bear-names for dir/bear-names.php.
  4. addViewFile(string $view_name, string $file): Add a single view. $view_name like "namespace:name". $file is an absolute path. css & javascript files are NOT loaded automatically.
  5. addViewCallable(string $view_name, mixed $callable): Add a single view pointing to a callable. $view_name like namespace:name. css & js files are NOT loaded.

Replace an existing view

You might want to replace a view created by another package. Perhaps you don't like the overly simple fun-bear:bear-names-list view. To overwrite it, simply add a view using any of the mechanisms above, providing an identical view name, like addViewFile('fun-bear:bear-names-list', $path_to_file).

Now, any time this view is loaded, by any package, your version of the view will be loaded instead. The original css & javascript files will not be loaded, but you can add them manually using the Resources Addon.

Callable Views

Callable views receive their own view name and an array of arguments and must return a string.

    function(string $view_name, array $args): string {  
        return 'View callable must return string content';  