File code/addon/Router.php
class Lia\Addon\Router
See source code at /code/addon/Router.php
public string $fqn = 'lia:server.router';
public $varDelim = '\\.\\/\\-\\:';
A string of characters that can be used as delimiters for dynamic url portions -
public $routeMap = [];
public array $routers = [];
alternate routers to use. Should only contain callables. The callables should accept\Lia\Obj\Request
objects -
public bool $cache_routes = false;
set true to load routes from cache & disable the addRoute() liaison method
public function init_lia()
public function onRoutesFound()
Write the routes cache (if $this->cache_routes is true) -
public function onLiaReady($lia)
Enable cache (if $this->cache_routes is true) -
public function enable_cache()
Enable the cache. You should first set$lia->router->cache_routes = true;
, so the hook for writing the cache works too
Disables addRoute() if routes are already cached -
public function write_cache()
public function dir_to_patterns($dir, $prefix='')
Get an array of patterns from files in a directory. -
public function fileToPattern($relFile)
Convert a relative file path into a pattern -
public function clean_url($dirty_url)
Clean a url (without domain): replace space with '+', single quote with '%27', and replace multiple slashes with a single slash -
public function handle_route_prefix_method($object, $m, $dot_name)
Get routes by calling the object's method & use the method as the router. -
public function addRoute($pattern, $callbackOrFile,$package=null)
Add a route -
public function has_static_route(string $path,string $method="GET"):bool
This method is not tested at all. does not check dynamic routes. -
public function separate_optional_from_decoded_pattern($original_parsed)
Facilitates optional paramaters
Processes a parsed pattern into an array of valid parsed patterns where the original pattern may contain details for optional paramaters
public function addRouter(callable $router)
add a callable as a router. It will be called with a\Lia\Obj\Request
object as the only paramater -
public function route(\Lia\Obj\Request $request)
get a route for the given request -
public function addDirectoryRoutes(\Lia\Package $package, string $directory, string $base_url = '/', array $exts_to_remove[".php"])
public function decode_pattern($pattern)
Convert a pattern into a decoded array of information about that pattern
The patterns apply both for the public
dir and by adding routes via $lia->addRoute()
. The file extension (for .php) is removed prior to calling decode_pattern()
The delimiters can be changed globally by setting $router->varDelims
- /blog/{category}/{post} is valid for url /blog/black-lives/matter
- /blog/{category}.{post}/ is valid for url /blog/
- /blog/{category}{post}/ is valid for url /blog/{category}{post}/ and has NO dynamic paramaters
- /blog/{category}/@GET.{post}/ is valid for GET /blog/kindness/is-awesome/ but not for POST request
- /@POST.dir/sub/@GET.file/ is valid for both POST /dir/sub/file/ and GET /dir/sub/file/
- We do not currently check the name of the method, just @ABCDEF for length 3-7
- These must appear after a
or after another '@METHOD.' or they will be taken literally - lower case is not valid
- Each method MUST be followed by a period (.)
- NEW: Dynamic portions may be separated by by (-) and/or (:)
- {under_scoreCamel} specifies a named, dynamic paramater
- {param} must be surrounded by path delimiters (/) OR periods (.) which will be literal characters in the url
- {param} MAY be at the end of a pattern with no trailing delimiter
{paramName:regex} would specify a dynamic portion of a url that MUST match the given regex.
- Not currently implemented
{?param} would specify a paramater that is optional
- Not currently implemented
public function extract_url_paramaters($decoded_pattern, $url)
Given a url and array of paramaters, -
public function url_to_regex($url)
convert an actual url into regex that can be used to match the test regs.