File src/class/App.php
class Lia\App
Liaison App
protected string $namespace;
Namespace -
public string $dir;
Root dir of the app -
public \Lia $lia;
Liaison instance this app is in -
public array $addons = [];
Addons in this app -
public array $config = [];
The app's configs, usually in a config.json file in the app's root dir, unless overridden.
public function __construct(\Lia $lia, string $dir)
public function getLia(): \Lia
public function getNamespace(): string
public function getPath(string $relative_path = ""): string
Get the absolute path to a directory or file within the app -
public function getConfig(string $config_name): mixed
public function hasConfig(string $config_name): bool
Check if the named config is set for your app -
protected function load_addons($sub_dir = 'addon')
Load THIS app's addons from the addon dir. -
public function addAddon(\Lia\AddonInterface $addon)
public function getAddon(string $addon_name): \Lia\AddonInterface
Get an addon by its name -
public function dir(string $sub_dir): string
Get the sub-directory. -
public function onLiaisonReady(\Lia $lia)
called before an HTTP request or CLI input is processed -
public function onFinish(\Lia $lia)
called after input is processed -
public function onTerminate(\Lia $lia)
Called when$lia->terminate()
is called, which willexit
after theonTerminate()
event. -
public function onStartRequest(\Lia\Http\Request $request, \Lia\Http\Response $response)
called by $lia->deliver() after onReady() event -
public function onCliReady(\Lia\CliExecution $cli)
called by $lia->execute() after onReady() event