These "docs" come from the Router.php file. I have left his block there as well. Need to clean it up, of course.
* * rules: * .php will generally be removed & replaced with a trailing slash, but that is NOT part of parsePattern() * That will be a pattern-normalization step that happens prior to parsePattern() and is extensible/configurable * * Methods: @POST, @GET, @PUT, @DELETE, @OPTIONS, @TRACE, @HEAD, @CONNECT * - We do not currently check the name of the method, just @ABCDEF for length 3-7 * - These must appear after a `/` or after another '@METHOD.' or they will be taken literally * - lower case is not valid * - Each method MUST be followed by a period (.) * - example: /@POST.dir/sub/@GET.file/ is valid for both POST /dir/sub/file/ and GET /dir/sub/file * * Paramaters: * - {under_scoreCamel} specifies a named, dynamic paramater * - {param} must be surrounded by path delimiters (/) OR periods (.) which will be literal characters in the url * - {param} MAY be at the end of a pattern with no trailing delimiter * - {paramName:regex} would specify a dynamic portion of a url that MUST match the given regex. * - Not currently implemented * - {?param} would specify a paramater that is optional * - Not currently implemented * examples: * /blog/{category}/{post} is valid for url /blog/black-lives/matter * /blog/{category}.{post}/ is valid for url /blog/ * /blog/{category}{post}/ is valid for url /blog/{category}{post}/ and has NO dynamic paramaters *