File code/class/Objects/View.php
class Lia\Obj\View
A View, which passes properties to a template file and loads associated resources (.css/.js files). You must invoke __toString()
) or $view->content()
or $view->resources()
or nothing happens.
protected $name;
Relative path to the view without file extension. Ex:view/theme/Header.php
is namedtheme/Header
protected $dir;
The root directory for finding views -
public $args = [];
Arguments to pass to the template file -
protected $content = null;
Output from including the template file -
protected $resources = null;
Array of resources
$resources = ['path/to/script.js', 'path/to/theme.css'];
public function __construct($name, $dir, $allArgs)
public function resources()
Load all css & js files in the view's directory -
public function content()
Load template file -
public function __toString()
shorthand for content()