File code/class/Utility/StaticFile.php
class Lia\Utility\StaticFile
Build headers for static files like .js or .css or image files
protected $file;
The absolute file path -
protected string $type;
the intended file extension, in case $file has a weird naming convention -
protected $headers = [];
Array of headers -
protected $typeHeaders = [];
headers for the content type & content length -
protected $cacheHeaders = [];
headers for the cache-state -
public $userHasFileCached = false;
true if request headers indicate the file has been cached on the client
public function __construct($file, $type=null)
public function getContentTypeHeaders()
public function getCacheHeaders()
public function getHeaders()
protected function getFileMimeType($filePath)
Get mime type of a file based on its extension