File test/run/ToSort/Bugs.php

class Lia\Test\Bugs

for testing bugs I find while working on Liaison




  • public function testViewLiaObj()
  • public function testViewAddsChildResources() Happening on I have a theme.php view & associated .css and .js files in theme/ dir. I think the files are all being added to resources addon, BUT they're NOT being output to the cached css file

This test FAILED to re-create the bug. So I realized that resource files were being added AFTER the theme view was being required. I moved the code around & now it works. I have not added a test for this.

  • public function testCacheDirPropagation() When updating, resources weren't loading because cache dir wasn't set. I set the cache dir AFTER creating server & that worked. Then the routes weren't working & I found Resource's route...() method was not being setup through scan('route'); So I added an onPackageReady() feature to do the scanning after a package is all set up. Now, route...() gets called, but the cache dir isn't set yet. So now the routes can't setup.