File code/class/Simple.php
class Lia\Simple
See source code at /code/class/Simple.php
public array $phads = [];
public bool $debug = false;
public string $last_feature = null;
The feature currently being enabled or the last feature enabled if one is not currently being enable. -
public array $features = [];
array of$feature_name=>true
static public function get_lia_instance(string $file_path): \Lia
a php file that instantiates a Lia instance & return that instance, without routing, sending a server response, or outputing any text.
May not work with unconventional setups. Requires a variable named$lia
public function __construct()
public function is_production()
Check if current server is a production server -
public function require_feature(string $feature)
public function setup()
public function deliver_files(...$public_dirs)
public function load_apps(...$app_dirs)
public function load_app($app_dir)
public function enable(string $feature, $app=null)
public function enable_defaults($app)
public function enable_debug_fake_user_mail($app)
public function enable_phad($app)
public function phad_from_dir(string $target_dir): \Phad
Get a phad instance who's `$phad->item_dir == $target_dir`` -
public function enable_user($app)
public function enable_env($app)
public function enable_pdo($app)
public function enable_pdo_mysql($app)
public function enable_pdo_sqlite($app)
public function enable_ldb($app)
public function enable_analytics($app)
1. Save the current page to analytics
- Enable the analytics route, if phad is enabled
to disable the analytics feature. Useful for cli environments
public function enable_error_page($app)
enable the route /generic-error-page/ to display 'Unknown Error' message. -
public function respond()
public function debug()
public function get_all_sitemap_routes($sm_builder)
get an array of all routes for the sitemap -
public function markdown_to_html(string $markdown)
Convert markdown to html, if CommonMark is installed -
public function phad_item(string $item, array $args = [])
public function init_analytics_table(\PDO $pdo)
Initialize your analytics table. Recommend using a local sqlite database. -
public function create_phad_table(\Phad $phad, string $form_item): string
Generate an sql CREATE TABLE statement from a phad item containing a form. -
function send_mail(string $to, string $reply_to, $subject, $body)
Send an email through SMTP
You MUST set the following settings to R:, smtp.user, smtp.password, Business.Name -
public function log()
public function __isset($prop)
public function __get($prop)
get the named property or addon if property not found -
public function __set($prop, $value)