* # Option 1, auto-looping:
* 1. create a new dir in this directory
* 2. Write an init.php & initialize variables that will be used by your bench scripts
* 3. also set `$bench_loops = 100;` (or whatever # of loops) in the init file.
* 4. create a new file for each block of code you wish to benchmark & write the code.
* # Option 2, self-looping (less overhead)
* 1. create a new dir in this directory
* 2. Write an init.php file and set `$max_iters = 1000; $i = 0;`
* 3. create a new file for each block of code you wish to benchmark.
* 4. In each bench file write 'while (++$i < $max_iters){` & put your code inside the while loop
* @arg 1 folder - the directory (inside the php dir) to bench or blank to run all directories
* @usage ./benchie.php Comparison
// require_once(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php');
echo "benchies!";
echo "\n\n";
$folder = $argv[1] ?? false;
$dir = __DIR__.'/php';
$dirList = ($folder!==false&&is_dir($dir.'/'.$folder)) ? [$folder] : scandir($dir);
foreach ($dirList as $BenchDir){
if ($BenchDir=='.'||$BenchDir=='..')continue;
$name = basename($BenchDir);
echo "\nBench for $name:";
$compare = [];
foreach (scandir($dir.'/'.$BenchDir) as $benchFile){
if (substr($benchFile,-4)!='.php')continue;
if (substr($benchFile,-8)=='init.php')continue;
if (file_exists($initFile = $dir.'/'.$BenchDir.'/init.php')){
$bench_loop_index = 0;
$bench_loops = 1;
$bench_start = microtime(true);
$bench_end = microtime(true);
} else {
$bench_start = microtime(true);
$bench_end = microtime(true);
$duration = $bench_end - $bench_start;
$file = pathinfo(basename($benchFile), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$compare[$file] = $duration;
asort($compare, SORT_NUMERIC);
$firstDuration = array_values($compare)[0];
foreach ($compare as $name=>$duration){
echo "\n $name";
// echo "\n Start: $start";
// echo "\n End: $end";
$diff = $duration - $firstDuration;
echo "\n Duration: $duration. $diff slower";
echo "\n\n";