namespace Tiny;
class PubFile implements \Tiny\IFace\PubFile {
protected $content;
protected $type;
protected $methods = [];
protected $params = [];
protected $file;
public function __construct($filePath){
$this->file = $filePath;
$this->type = pathinfo($filePath,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($this->type=='php')$this->type = 'html';
// $this->cargo = $cargo;
// $this->envoy = $cargo->envoy;
// $this->path = $cargo->filePath;
// $this->slug = $cargo->slug;
// $this->viewName = $cargo->viewName;
// $this->action = $cargo->action;
// $this->user = $cargo->user ?? null;
// $this->lock = $cargo->lock ?? null;
// $this->route = $cargo->route;
// $this->apps = $cargo->apps;
// $this->frameType = 'frame';
// $this->contentType = $this->getContentType();
// $this->content = $this->getContent();
protected function pushMethod($name,$callable,$override,$throw){
if (isset($this->methods[$name])){
if ($override){
$this->methods[$name] = $callable;
return true;
} else if ($throw) {
throw new \Exception("A method with name '{$name}' has already been exposed. "
."Error for object with class '".get_class($object)."'\n");
return false;
$this->methods[$name] = $callable;
return true;
protected function pushParam($name,$value,$override,$throw){
if (isset($this->params[$name])){
if ($override){
$this->params[$name] = $value;
return true;
} else if ($throw) {
throw new \Exception("A paramater with name '{$name}' already exists.");
return false;
$this->params[$name] = $value;
return true;
public function exposeMethod($name,$callable){
public function exposeObjectMethods($object,$methods){
foreach ($methods as $methodName){
public function exposeObjectParams($object,$params){
foreach ($params as $param){
public function exposeParam($paramName,$value){
public function content(){
if ($this->content!==null)return $this->content;
$content = '';
$content = ob_get_clean();
$this->content = $content;
return $content;
// protected function showResponseAt($fileKey,$action='',$slug=''){
// $this->type = 'redirect-display';
// $this->
// }
public function __call($methodName,$params){
if (isset($this->methods[$methodName])){
$callable = $this->methods[$methodName];
if (!is_callable($callable)){
throw new \BadMethodCallException("Exposed method '{$methodName}' does not exist for callable: '".print_r($callable,true)."'");
return call_user_func_array($callable,$params);
throw new \BadMethodCallException("Method '{$methodName}' does not exist on ".get_class($this)." & has not been exposed to it through the expose-methods.\n");
public function __get($param){
if (isset($this->params[$param])) return $this->params[$param];
else if ($this->has($param)){
return $this->get($param);
throw new \OutOfRangeException("Paramater '{$param}' does not exist on ".get_class($this)." & has not been exposed to it through the expose-methods.\n");
public function getType(){
return $this->type;
// public function getContentType(){
// if ($this->contentType!=null)return $this->contentType;
// $ext = pathinfo($this->path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// // if ($ext==null)
// return $ext;
// }
// public function getContent(){
// // echo "content";
// // var_dump(get_class($this));
// // var_dump($this->cargo);
// // if ($this->contentType!==null)return $this->contentType;
// if (!is_file(realpath($this->path))){
// // var_dump($this->apps);
// foreach ($this->apps as $app){
// // echo 'app ap app app app ap app';
// if ($app->isRequested()){
// $response = $app->getResponse();
// ob_start();
// $response->send();
// $this->contentType = $response->type;
// return ob_get_clean();
// }
// }
// // echo '::'.__DIR__.'::'."\n\n<br><br>";
// // echo new \Exception('');
// // echo "\n\n<br><br>";
// // echo get_class($this)."\n\n<br><br>";
// // echo '[--no sub apps connected at this url --]';
// // return;
// }
// if (!is_file($this->path)){
// return NULL;
// }
// ob_start();
// include($this->path);
// $content = ob_get_clean();
// $content = $this->header.$content.$this->footer;
// return $content;
// }
// public function setPath($path){
// $this->path = $path;
// }
// protected function get($key){
// return $this->envoy->get($key);
// }
// public function url(...$params){
// $urlFunc = [$this->route,'url'];
// $url = call_user_func_array($urlFunc,$params);
// return $url;
// }
// public function showResponseAt(...$params){
// $urlFunc = [$this->route,'url'];
// $url = call_user_func_array($urlFunc,$params);
// $this->cargo->redirectUrl = $url;
// $this->contentType = "redirect";
// }
// // public function showErrorAt(...$params){
// // }
// public function startWith($html){
// $this->header = $html;
// }
// public function endWith($html){
// $this->footer = $html;
// }
// public function message(){
// if (session_status()===PHP_SESSION_NONE)session_start();
// $msgId = $_GET['messageId'] ?? false;
// $content = $_SESSION[$msgId] ?? false;
// unset($_SESSION[$msgId]);
// $message = $content ? (object)['id'=>$msgId,'content'=>$content] : false;
// return $message;
// }
// protected function view($viewName,$params){
// $file = $this->cargo->viewDir.'/../view/'.$viewName.'.php';
// foreach ($params as $varName=>$var){
// $$varName = $var;
// }
// ob_start();
// include($file);
// return ob_get_clean();
// }
// protected function allows(...$keys){
// if ($this->user==null)return false;
// return call_user_func_array([$this->user,'unlocksAny'],$keys);
// }