
Simple autoloader which maps namespaces to directories.
\My\NS\Class loads from BASE_DIR.'/My/NS/Class.php', for example.

Composer Installation

"require": { "rof/autoloader": "1.*" }

Manual Installation

Copy Autoloader.php to wherever you want and require_once it in any script before you need it to function.
Then see the usage (right below!)







CUSTOM (the default uses these settings, but you can change them)

$baseDirectory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/Class';
$staticInitializer = TRUE; 
\ROF\Autoloader::enable($baseDirectory, $staticInitializer);

Where to put my classes

Put your class files in the base directory. By default, this is the document root with a subdirectory of 'Class'.
For namespaced classes, there must be a directory for each namespace level.
MyClass will include $baseDirectory.'/MyClass.php'
MyNamespace\MyClass will include $baseDirectory.'/MyNamespace/MyClass.php
My\Ugly\Deep\Namespaced\Classy\Thingy will include $baseDirectory.'/My/Ugly/Deep/Namespaced/Classy/Thingy.php

Static Initializer

You can declare a static initializer function with

public static function __initialize(){ self::$my_static_var = complex_algorithm(); }

You can disable this by passing FALSE as the second variable of enable(..). To use the default path but remove the static initializer, call enable(NULL,FALSE) as NULL will tell it to use the default base path.