Branch & tag versioning
Really just me rambling, thinking things throug, trying to figure out how I want to do versioning.
I've struggled for awhile to figure out the best way to manage branch naming on my many projects. The conventional approach of having a single "main" branch hasn't worked for me. As most of my software relies upon other software I'm building, things get out of date really fast. So I may have one site running an old version of Liaison & another site using the latest. I haven't created tags for either, because neither is stable enough & I need the continued/open dev process. So I depend upon branches, rather than tags.
Putting all my code in a "main" branch means OldSite breaks if I update Liaison to a new major version.
So, now I name my branches as version numbers. I tried using 0.0.0
as the very first version & incrementing from there. But the purely-numeric approach conflicts with tags when I also make a tag named 0.0.0
. So now I'm trying v0.0.0
to avoid that conflict. The version-number approach also means: composer require taeluf/theproject v0.0.0.x-dev
at end instead of dev-
at the beginning).
But then I'm wondering, what does each of those numbers mean? They need to have particular meaning if I want to be consistent in any way. I still conflict on this, because I'm not always sure I want to bump up the 2nd place, especially if the project is pretty new & unstable.
What I'm proposing, I think:
Branches: vMajorNumber.MinorNumber
Tags: MajorNumber.MinorNumber.releaseNumber
So a branch v0.1
would yield tags like v0.1.0
, v0.1.1
, ... v0.1.33
, etc.
But what does it mean for a tag when the 3rd number is incremented? Is it a new feature? A bug fix? Is a breaking change allowed?
So what are you allowed to do on the v0.1
- Initial development (in very early stages, every commit could be a breaking change. But there comes a point that it should be stable. & after stability is found, then breaking changes should be kept to a minimum)
- bug fixes
- Add non-breaking features
- Change internal architecture
- Very minor breaking changes <- Things that SHOULDN'T affect most people very significantly.
But what do I do when I realize that the current version I'm on is... well, bad & just needs to be thrown away? Do I increment the version number then? I think I should, yes.
What would require you to go from v0.1
to v0.2
Should I do initial development of a new version on a different branch than v0.2
Like if I'm working on a new version, but I haven't figured it out yet, isn't it possible I'll throw that version away? And then its not really part of the forward/upward progression of the project. Its an aside that didn't stick. So do I wait until a branch is becoming stable before I create a versioned branch for it?
If I did this the flow would be:
- On branch
- new branch
<- Maybe come up with a name for it, based upon the changes that are being proposed. For example, this newest Liaison could have usednew branch v-no_api_prefix
. Thev-
indicates that this is a version proposal, rather than a feature branch - develop on
for a while, until things are stable - Decide to move forward with this new version
- new branch
) - Now I'm locked in to my versioning scheme <- No more significant breaking changes without incrementing the version number.
SHOULD I allow minor breaking changes on a version branch?
When do I increment the first number? The MajorVersion? From v0.#
to v1.0
Is it based upon the internals? The public API? That significant breaking changes are introduced? That entirely new documentation needs to be written?
I think its save to say that v0.#
is... unstable, not super mature, maybe there aren't tests or documentation is lacking. A v1.0
should be somewhat mature. Tests present. Documentation present.
So the change from 0.# to 1.0 involves stability, maturity, and thoroughness. What would take from v1.#
to v2.#
This isn't really something I have to answer right now. I don't really know. I like the "Entire new documentation" and "significant breaking changes"
But I guess its more of a question of: When does an existing version reach its end of life? When v1.#
is end of life, then v2.#
needs to be made for the next life-force of the project