namespace ROF;
class MessageForm {
//OBJECT variables
static protected $beganSession = FALSE;
static protected $sessionKeys = array("title"=>"ro-login-title",
"message" => "ro-login-message",
"links" => "ro-login-links",
"time" => "ro-login-message-time");
static public function displaySession(){
$active = self::getCurrent();
//STATIC functions
static public function getCurrent(){
$validSession = TRUE;
foreach (self::$sessionKeys as $name=>$key){
if (!isset($_SESSION[$key])){
$validSession = FALSE;
if (!$validSession){
$message = new MessageForm("Session Error",
"There is no active session, so a message cannot be displayed. "
if (time()-5*60>$_SESSION[self::getKey('time')]){
$message = new MessageForm("Session Ended",
"There may have been an error message previously, but it is no longer available. "
return $message;
$message = new MessageForm($_SESSION[self::getKey('title')],
return $message;
static private function startSession(){
if (session_status()===PHP_SESSION_DISABLED){
throw new \Exception("Session could not be started due to PHP settings, so messages cannot be displayed.");
} else if (session_status()===PHP_SESSION_NONE){
$started = session_start();
if (!$started)throw new \Exception("Session failed to start so message could not be displayed.");
self::$beganSession = TRUE;
$_SESSION[self::getKey('time')] = time();
static private function endSession(){
foreach (self::$sessionKeys as $key=>$value){
if (isset($_SESSION[$value])){
if (self::$beganSession)session_destroy();
static private function getKey($keyName){
if (!isset(self::$sessionKeys[$keyName])){
throw new \Exception("Key '{$keyName}' is not a valid session variable for RO-User library.");
return self::$sessionKeys[$keyName];
* $title and $message are strings
* $links is an associative array where the key is the title for the user and the value is the url that it directs the user to.
public function __construct($title,$message,$links=[]){
if (!is_array($links))throw new \Exception("The 3rd value, '\$links', must be an array with key set to the user-friendly "
."title and value set to the url the link goes to.");
$_SESSION[self::getKey('title')] = $title;
$_SESSION[self::getKey('links')] = $links;
$_SESSION[self::getKey('message')] = $message;
protected function getTitle(){
return $_SESSION[self::getKey('title')];
protected function getMessage(){
return $_SESSION[self::getKey('message')];
protected function getLinks(){
return $_SESSION[self::getKey('links')];
protected function getLinksHtml(){
$links = $this->getLinks();
$html = "";
foreach ($links as $name=>$url){
$html .= "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$name}</a><br>";
return $html;
public function display(){
public function redirect($messageFormUrl='/message.php'){
if ($messageFormUrl=='/message.php'){
$protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 1) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https' ? 'https' : 'http';
$domain_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$site_address = $protocol."://".$domain_name;
$messageFormUrl = $site_address.$messageFormUrl;
header("Location: ".$messageFormUrl);