#!/usr/bin/env php
if (@$argv[1] == 'sample'){
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/sample.txt');
} else {
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/input.txt');
$lines = explode("\n", trim($input));
$expected_output = null;
# start with seeds:
# 79 14 55 13
# convert seeds into soil, using soil map:
# seed-to-soil map:
# 50 98 2
# 52 50 48
# Seed 79
# uses the 52 50 48 map bc that covers seed 50-97
# 52 - 50 = 2, so soil = seed(79) + 2 = 81
# soil is 81
# map_from:
# map_to:
# range_start
# range_end
# diff (amount to add to source)
# seed:
# soil:
# range_start: 98
# range_end: 99
# diff: -48
# ,
# range_start: 50
# range_end: 97
# diff: 2
# soil:
# fertilizer ...
# Notes:
# Seed 98 corresponds to soil 50
# Seed 98 corresponds to soil 51
# Seed 50 corresponds to soil 52
# Seed 51 corresponds to soil 53
# ...
# Seed 97 corresponds to soil 99
// Okay, then we have to parse it too
$seed_line = array_shift($lines);
$seed_line_parts = explode(": ", $seed_line);
$seed_numbers = explode(" ",trim($seed_line_parts[1]));
$maps_lines = trim(implode("\n", $lines));
$maps_texts = explode(":", $maps_lines);
$maps_texts = preg_split("/(:|\n\n)/", $maps_lines);
$key = null;
$map_texts = [];
foreach ($maps_texts as $index=>$map_text){
if ($index%2===0){
$map_parts = explode(" map",trim($map_text));
$map_fromto = explode("-to-", $map_parts[0]);
$from = $map_fromto[0];
$to = $map_fromto[1];
$map_texts[$from][$to] = $map_text;
$map_lines = explode("\n",trim($map_text));
$maps = [];
foreach ($map_texts as $from => $to_list){
foreach ($to_list as $to => $map_text){
$map_text_lines = explode("\n", $map_text);
foreach ($map_text_lines as $line){
$line = trim($line);
if ($line=='')continue;
$parts = explode(" ",$line);
$range_start = (int)$parts[1];
$range_end = $parts[2] + $range_start - 1;
$diff = $range_start - $parts[0];
$maps[$from][$to][] =
'diff'=>-1 * $diff, // add_to_source
//function generate_outputs(string $input_name, int $input_value, array $maps){
//if (!isset($maps[$input_name])) return [];
//$outputs = [];
//foreach ($maps[$input_name] as $to => $map_list){
//foreach ($map_list as $index=>$map){
//if ($input_value >= $map['range_start']
//&& $input_value <= $map['range_end']){
//$output = $input_value + $map['diff'];
//break 2;
//$output = $input_value;
////$outputs = [
////$to => $output
////$sub_outputs = ;
//$all_outputs = array_merge(
//[ $to => $output],
//generate_outputs($to, $output, $maps)
//return $all_outputs;
function generate(string $input_name, int $input_value, array &$maps): int{
$output = null;
foreach ($maps[$input_name] as $to => $uhh_maps){
foreach ($uhh_maps as $map){
if ($input_value >= $map['range_start']
&& $input_value <= $map['range_end']){
$output = $input_value + $map['diff'];
if ($output===null)$output = $input_value;
return $output ?? $input_value;
$map_list = $maps[$input_name];
$to = array_keys($map_list)[0];
$uhh_maps = $map_list[$to];
$output = null;
foreach ($uhh_maps as $map){
if ($input_value >= $map['range_start']
&& $input_value <= $map['range_end']){
$output = $input_value + $map['diff'];
if ($output===null)$output = $input_value;
if (isset($maps[$to]))return generate($to, $output, $maps);
return $output;
$outputs = [];
//foreach ($seed_numbers as $number){
//$outputs[$number] = generate_outputs('seed', $number, $maps);
$lowest_location = PHP_INT_MAX;
$actual_seed_numbers = [];
$start_range = null;
$which_seed = $argv[2];
$valid_index_1 = $which_seed * 2;
$valid_index_2 = ($which_seed * 2) + 1;
foreach ($seed_numbers as $index=>$value){
if ($index!=$valid_index_1
&& $index!= $valid_index_2)continue;
if ($index%2==0){
echo "\nStart seed $index";
$start_range = $value;
$length = $value;
while ($i++<$length){
if ($i%100000===0){
echo "\n$i";
$new_location = generate('seed',$start_range+$i, $maps);
if ($new_location < $lowest_location)$lowest_location = $new_location;
echo "\n\nLowest location is: $lowest_location\n\n";