#!/usr/bin/env php
/** Day 9 Part 1 & 2
* My solution fails for part 2. It works for sample2 & sample4, but not sample3 bc of edge cases where a piece is surrounded by pipe, but not actually INSIDE the main loop.
* I think that would require a complete redesign of the part 2 algo.
* My algo outputs:
* - 736 (too high)
* I'm trying:
* - 724 (too high)
* - 690 (too high)
* - 600 (incorrect, didn't tell me if high/low)
if (@$argv[1] == 'sample'){
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/sample.txt');
} else if (@$argv[1] == 'sample2'){
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/sample2.txt');
} else if (@$argv[1] == 'sample3'){
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/sample3.txt');
} else if (@$argv[1] == 'sample4'){
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/sample4.txt');
} else {
$input = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/input.txt');
//$lines = explode("\n", trim($input));
//$lines = array_map('trim', $lines);
$line_width = strpos($input,"\n");
$s_pos = strpos($input, "S");
$s_y = floor($s_pos / $line_width);
$s_x = $s_pos % ($line_width+1);
echo "\nLine Width: $line_width";
echo "\nstr_pos: $s_pos";
echo "\nS cord: $s_x,$s_y";
//echo "\nsY: $s_y";
//echo "\nsX: $s_x";
$s = (object)['x'=>$s_x, 'y'=>$s_y];
$connecting_pipes = find_connecting_pipes($s,$line_width,$input);
$cur_step = $s;
$next_step = $connecting_pipes[0];
$prev_step = $connecting_pipes[1];
$num_steps_away = 1;
$pipe_cords = [$s,$next_step,$prev_step];
// until we're at the farthest-away-position, we need to keep getting next steps
// in both directions
// We know we're at the farthest-away-position when the next-step is the same as the prev-step OR the prev-step's next step.
$from_next = $s;
$from_prev = $s;
echo "\nFound Pos: ".$s->x.','.$s->y;
echo "\nNext Pos: ".$next_step->x.','.$next_step->y;
echo "\nPrev Pos: ".$prev_step->x.','.$prev_step->y;
echo "\n\n";
while (true){
echo "\nAlready Searched in 'next': ".$from_next->x.','.$from_next->y;
echo "\nSearch around next pos: ".$next_step->x.','.$next_step->y;
echo "\nAlready Searched in 'prev': ".$from_prev->x.','.$from_prev->y;
echo "\nSearch around prev pos: ".$prev_step->x.','.$prev_step->y;
echo "\n\n";
$new_next = get_next_step($from_next, $next_step, $line_width, $input);
if ($new_next == $from_prev)break;
$pipe_cords[] = $new_next;
$new_prev = get_next_step($from_prev, $prev_step, $line_width, $input);
$from_next = $next_step;
$next_step = $new_next;
$from_prev = $prev_step;
$prev_step = $new_prev;
//$from_next = $next_step;
//$from_prev = $prev_step;
if ($from_next == $from_prev)break;
$pipe_cords[] = $new_prev;
$last = array_pop($pipe_cords);
$lastagain = array_pop($pipe_cords);
if ($last == $lastagain)$pipe_cords[] = $last;
else {
$pipe_cords[] = $last;
$pipe_cords[] = $lastagain;
$PIPE = 7;
$INSIDE = 12;
$OUTSIDE = 15;
$UNKNOWN = -1;
$xycords = [];
foreach ($pipe_cords as $cord){
$n = $cord->x.','.$cord->y;
$xycords[$n] = $PIPE;
echo "\n\nJust the pipes:\n";
$lines = explode("\n", trim($input));
$x_max = $line_width - 1;
$y_max = count($lines) - 1;
foreach ($lines as $y => $line){
foreach (str_split($line) as $x => $char){
$n = "$x,$y";
if (isset($xycords[$n]))continue;
$xycords[$n] = get_char_type($x,$y, $xycords, $x_max, $y_max);
$unknown_list = [];
foreach ($xycords as $cord=>$type){
if ($type==$UNKNOWN)$unknown_list[$cord] = $type;
//echo "\n\n\n";
//echo "\n\n";
//echo "\n\n\n\n--------\n\n";
//$_57type = get_char_type(5,7,$xycords, $x_max, $y_max);
//echo "\n\n";
//echo "\n\n\n";
$has_changes = true;
$i =0;
while (count($unknown_list) > 0 && $has_changes){
$has_changes = false;
foreach ($unknown_list as $cord=>$type){
$parts = explode(",", $cord);
$x = $parts[0];
$y = $parts[1];
$new_type = get_char_type($x,$y,$xycords, $x_max, $y_max);
if ($new_type!=$UNKNOWN && $new_type != $SEARCHING){
//echo "WHAT";
$xycords[$cord] = $new_type;
$has_changes = true;
} else {
$xycords[$cord] = $UNKNOWN;
$unknown_list[$cord] = $UNKNOWN;
echo "\n\nAll xycords:\n";
echo "\n\n";
$inside_count = 0;
foreach ($xycords as $cord=>$type){
if ($type==$UNKNOWN)$inside_count++;
echo "\n\nCount inside pipes: ".$inside_count;
echo "\n\n";
$out_chars = [
$UNKNOWN => '?',
$INSIDE => 'i',
$OUTSIDE => '.',
$PIPE => '+',
$lines = [];
foreach ($xycords as $cord=>$type){
$parts = explode(",", $cord);
$x = $parts[0];
$y = $parts[1];
$out = $out_chars[$type];
$lines[$y][$x] = $out;
$output = "";
foreach ($lines as $line){
$output .= "\n".implode("",$line);
echo "\n\n$output\n\n";
echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
// in sample 3, I'm failing to mark:
// - 4,4 as outside
// - 3,2 as outside