Final Output

Given the sample component below, this will be your final code

Note View

$note = new \Fresh\Component($componentDir);
$view = $note->view('Note',['id'=>1]);
echo $view;


    This is standalone &amp; nothing fancy happens to it.
    <h6>table: note</h6> <!--$table="note"-->
    <div style="background:#EEE">
        <h1>Note: first note</h1>
        <p>the first <b>paragraph</b> of a note is always the best paragraph.</p>

Note Form

$note = new \Fresh\Component($componentDir);
$form = $note->form('Note',['id'=>1,'submit_url'=>'/note/submit-edit/']);
echo $form;


<form action="/note/submit-edit/" method="POST"> 
    <input type="text" name="name" value="first note"/>
    <input type="text" name="body" value="the first **paragraph** of a note is always the best paragraph.">

    <input type="submit" />

Sample Component

instantiate: $note = new \Fresh\Component($componentDir);

File Structure:

  • Note is the name of the view & the name of the form.
  • Tip: Namespace your views with Page_, Depend_, and other prefixes to maintain sanity. Nesting in folders is not available yet.
  • All your views & forms go in the view directory.
  • Views end with View.php and forms with Form.php
- component 
    - view
            - Colors.css
            - Sizes.css


    This is standalone &amp; nothing fancy happens to it.
<div rb-table="note" rb-find="id:<?php echo $id?>">
    <h6>table: <?=$table?></h6> <!--$table="note"-->
    <div style="background:#EEE">
        <h1>Note: <?=$note->name?></h1>
        <p rb-prop="body" rb-format="markdown">This text will be replaced with the body of the loaded note.</p>

Display the view: (we still have to setup the find handler)

$view = $note->view('Note',['id'=>1]); //to display note with id=1
echo $view;
$view = $note->view('Note',['id'=>'*']); //to display all notes (no limits or pagination yet)
echo $view;


    <input type="text" name="name"/>
    <input type="text" name="body">

    <input type="submit" />

And to display the form:

    $form = $note->form('Note',['id'=>1,'submit_url'=>'/note/submit-edit/']);

Looking up the notes

You have to set a find handler. We'll use a simple array lookup for this example.

$data = [
        'name'=> 'first note',
        'body'=> 'the first **paragraph** of a note is always the best paragraph.'
        'name'=> 'second note',
        'body'=> 'the second note with a paragraph is the worst note.'
    function($tableName, $lookupStr) use ($note, $data){
        //Breaks key:value;key2:value2 into a key=>value array
        $lookup = $note->parseLookupStr($lookupStr);
        $notes = $data;
        if ($data[$lookup->id]==null)
            return [];
        else if ($data[$lookup->id]=='*') //convert the array entries to objects
            return array_map(function($entry){return (object)$entry;},$data);
        else if (isset($data[$lookup->id]))
            return [(object)$data[$lookup->id]];
            return [];

Handling Resources

We also have to set an addResources handler to handle those .css and .js files

        foreach ($resourcesList['css'] as $cssFilePath){
            // my_framework_object()->addCSSFile($cssFilePath);
        foreach ($resourcesList['js'] as $jsFilePath){
            // my_framework_object()->addJSFile($cssFilePath);