How Ethical is AT&T

This is to serve as a prototype for my `how ethical is` website AND a prototype of my... user built research (search) engine. The data here is probably made up.

The gist

AT&T is a pretty middleground company. A lot of their operations lean to the unethical side, but relative to other companies, they sometimes com out on top. For example there "college grants" program & $10 internet for LINK users are ethically positive things, but their low wages & high outsourcing of jobs with a profit-first mindset, certainly does not rank AT&T among the most ethical companies

Ethical Pros

discount internet for Food Stamp / LINK users "college grants" program (fake, to my knowledge) contributions to Pride fest events (totally made up)

ethical cons

employee conditions low wages high employee expectations aggressive marketing, trapping people in an "I NEED THIS" mindset (shared with Verizon, Apple, and many other companies. not a standout trait)

Ethical uncertainties

Non-US Jobs serving US customers (not... ethically wrong, persay, but worth mentioning.) Employees in unregulated conditions (no idea if this is true. linked with non-us jobx for US customers) outsourcing jobs to 3rd party companies, which means employee treatment largely depends upon the 3rd party company

By Sector

(all made up scores) LGBTQIA+ 87.5 - blah blah

expandable paragraph which only shows by clicking on the title

Education 63/100- Blah blah Employment 48/100- blah blah Racial Diversity 86/100- blah blah Sex Diversity 75/100- blah blah


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