
 * Copyright 2021 Reed Sutman, Taeluf
 * MIT License
 * See
 * Please retain this notice
 * This file actually came from

namespace \Tlf\Utility;

 * Utility class to work with files & directories
 * @todo move to my util repo & depend upon this class.
class Files {

     * Get all files in a directory. Does not return directories
     * @param $dir the directory to search in
     * @param $relativeTo A /root/path to remove from file paths returned
     * @param $endingWith only get files that end with the given string, like `.php` or `.md`, etc
     * @return array of files
    static public function all($dir,$relativeTo='', $endingWith=''){
        $fPathsRelTo = $relativeTo;
        if (!is_dir($dir))return [];
        $dir = str_replace(['///','//'],'/','/'.$dir.'/');
        $fPathsRelTo = $fPathsRelTo ? str_replace(['///','//'],'/','/'.$fPathsRelTo.'/') : null;
        $dh = opendir($dir);
        $allFiles = [];
        while ($file=readdir($dh)){
            if ($file=='.'||$file=='..')continue;
            if (is_dir($dir.$file)){
                $subFiles = self::all($dir.'/'.$file,$fPathsRelTo,$endingWith);
                $allFiles = array_merge($allFiles,$subFiles);
            $path = str_replace(['///','//'],'/',$dir.'/'.$file);
            if ($fPathsRelTo!==null){
                $path = '/'.substr($path,strlen($fPathsRelTo));
            if ($endingWith!=''
            $allFiles[] = $path;
        return $allFiles;