R - A PHP Resource Loader

Store values by key and later retrieve them, simply by calling R('the.key');


  • Retrieve an instance: R()
  • Retrieve a stored value: R('stored.key')
  • Retrieve a list of stored values: R('stored.key.')
  • Retrieve with a default backup value: R('stored.key','defaultValue') (otherwise, an exception is thrown)


Retrieve an instance, then call the appropriate function

  • R()->set('key','value');
  • R()->set('key.subkey.another','value');
  • R()->put(['key'=>'value','key.sub'=>'value 2'])
  • R()->put(['key'=>$subArray,'another'=>$anArray],'',TRUE); to also store sub-array's keys into R
  • R()->put([...], 'prefix.') to prefix all set values with prefix.. The . is optional, and is appropriate for namespacing
    • load & put take prefix as 2nd arg. set does not take prefix
  • R()->load('/file-path.json', 'prefix.')
  • Loading dirs: R()->loadDir($dirPath,$prefix='',$prefixWithFileNames=FALSE,$putSubArrays=TRUE,$recurse=TRUE)

Process any file type:

  • R()->setFileHandler($callable,'ext');
    • Like: $callable($content,$ext)


  • Copy src/R.php into your project and require_once it
  • git clone git@github.com:ReedOverflow/PHP-Resources.git; then require_once src/R.php
  • TODO composer require rbear/resource


  • Tests are not totally thorough.
  • The README could be improved.

Old, more detailed notes

Retrieve a value

There are three ways to retrieve a value
- $theValue = R("the.key") - returns the stored value or null if nothing found
- $theValue = R("the.key","default_value") - returns the stored value or the supplied default value if nothing found
- $theValue = R("the.key.") - Returns an array of children (and the value at the.key).
For the input array ['the.key'=>'Primary','the.key.one'=>'child','the.key.two'=>'another child'],
R("the.key.) will return:
php [ '=' => 'Primary', 'one'=> 'child', 'two'=> 'another child' ]

Handling file extensions

Pass a callable and an extension or array of extensions that the function will handle.
Call R()->setFileHandler( $function, 'ext')

  • $function returns an array
  • $function takes a string to be parsed into array as its first paramater
  • $function takes a file extension as it's second paramater, where the extension always has a '.' in front of it.
$json_decoder = function($content,$ext){
    return json_decode($content,true);

Create your own instance

R() uses a static variable, which is one instance of the R class. You can do $z = new R() then use $z(...) just as you would have used R(...). Alternatively, you can write your own function:

function Z(...$args){
    static $theObject = null;
    $theObject = $theObject ?? new R();
    return $theObject(...$args);