Fresh Package: Liaison extension

An package extension for liaison that provides some cool view stuff. I'm too pooped and cranky to write more right now. There's a lot of stuff to improve still.

Setup the package

$liaison = new \Liaison();

$sitePackage = $liaison->package('Site');
//I'm not sure if I have the public dir implemented on this package yet. You might put it in a package that uses \Lia\Package
$sitePackage->freshCompo->setUpload($uploadDirectory=__DIR__.'/YourPackageDir/public/upload/', $uploadUrlPrefix='/upload/');

if (\YourCustomFunction\canActiveUserEdit()){
    //yeah, you need both... ugh.. I don't really know why
    //edits are disabled by default.


Manually display a view or form (instead of routing)

$liaison->form("ViewName",['lia'=>$liaison, "submit_url" => '/your/submit/url/', 'id'=>imcrankyandtiredofwritingdocs])

Manually handling a form

  1. Make a view file, ending in View.php. Put a <form> in it. Set the action & method & everything. Don't make it an entity. Give it a <lia-route ...>.
    • I think you can make it an entity, but then you'd have to put both a name and an rb-prop because the form-features would be gone. I'm not sure.
  2. Create another view file for the submission script, or create a public script (which I don't think this package supports yet)
    • Make a <lia-route pattern="@POST./the-submision-url/">, assuming set your method="POST", cause... come on lol.

Package Structure

  • conf.json - MUST contain the package name as json: {"package": "\\Fresh\\Package"}
  • public/ - I don't think the public dir is active yet, thus you have to also have a Lia\Package... package
  • compiled/ - compiled views and forms get put in here, the dir will be created for you
    • setup/ - the setup files, which setup routing will be put here
  • class/ - I think this is PSR4 compliant... idk. Your stuff gets autoloaded. I don't think theres any way to specify namespaces... I'm not sure.
  • view/
    • Page_HomeView.php
    • Page_HomeView/
      • ContentLayout.css
      • Colors.css
    • Page_HomeForm.php
    • Page_HomeForm.css
    • Page_HomeForm.js


Look to forms (below) for routing information

"smart" forms (see below) require two files

  • view/TheThingView.php
  • view/TheThingForm.php
    // uhh, DONT use someone's IP without their consent
    // And then encrypt it or hash it if you do have consent.
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    //but $ip will now be available to the entire script
<?="<h6>Your ip is {$ip}.</h6>"?>
        - The table name to load your entity from, also used for the same-named form
        - A same-named variable will be created, so `$TheThingy` will be the object loaded from the db
        - Whatever you write will be converted to lowercase and have all non-alpha characters removed, for the sake of the database portion
        - You can only use one rb-find at a time, both are shown here just for example. I don't know what happens when both are present.
        - id:* will load all objects from the rb-table
        - id:<?=$id?> will load only the item with id=$id.
            - $id can come from:
                - the passthru, like: `$lia->view('TheThingy',['id'=>33])`
                - the url, for a route pattern like '/thething/$id/'
                - An eariler piece of PHP code in the view script
        - Indicates that this is the node to reference when the TheThingForm.php is loaded. This MUST be declared for "smart" forms to work
        - I don't now what happens if there are two nodes in the same file with 'tlf-autoform' declared
            - This h1 will be filled with $TheThingy->title
        rb-format (the div):
            - $TheThingy->description will be converted to markdown, and the markdown will fill the <div>
            - The src attr will be filled with $TheThingy->cover_image
        <a rb-prop="reference_url">:
            - href will be set to $TheThingy->referenceUrl
            - This will just print that value
    <h1 rb-prop="title"></h1>
    <div rb-prop="description" rb-format="markdown"></div>
    <img rb-prop="cover_image"  src="" alt="Depicting an action" style="max-height:100%;max-width:100%;" />
    <a rb-prop="reference_url"><?=$TheThingy->referenceName?></a>
            // this will display a dependent view. That dependent view has:
            // an rb-find="thething_id:<?=$thethingy_id?>"
            // $lia MUST be passed in order for everything to function.
            echo $lia->view('SomethingElse',['lia'=>$lia,'thethingy_id'=>$TheThingy->id]);


  • You can route and create forms manually in views, by simply putting the form in a file ending in View.php. You lose the smart form features.
  • You cannot even route to a file ending in Form.php if there is not a same-named view file.
  • I THINK you can manually display a form even if it lacks an associated view... not sure.
  • The entity loaded for editing will be identified by $_GET['id']

"smart" forms require two files

  • view/TheThingView.php
    • The associated view, where entity information is loaded from.
    • Can have a route, but does not require it
    • MUST have an entity node
  • view/TheThingForm.php
    • The file below
<!-- BlockForm is from for nice form...matting (lol) I use it. You don't need to. -->
<?php $lia->view('theme/BlockForm'); ?>  

    <lia-route> creates automatic routing to the view/form
    - pattern, basically, is the url. For more details, see
    - isform generates the submit url by appending `submit/` to the pattern
       - A route will be created for submission as well, so you will NOT write a submit script
    - redirect is where users will be sent on submission
    - onmatch: PHP Code that runs when the route is matched. Must be wrapped in PHP tags
        - I think this works for forms?? It might only work for views
        - It only works for static patterns. Dynamic patterns like /thething/$id/edit/ won't execute your onmatch
    - You can have multiple routes for views. I think it works for forms too.

    onmatch="<?php $id = 'new' ?>"

    A button to create a new instance of the entity
    Just has to have ?id=new instead of ?id=someid
<a href="?id=new"> <!-- With the 2nd route & the onmatch, we could instead route to /thething/create/ -->
    <button type="Submit" style="background-color:<?=$newColor?>;padding:0.4rem 1.0rem;border-radius:0.5rem;" >New Item</button>
    - action set based upon the route. 
    - Method sets to POST
    - enctype will be set for forms containing a file input
        - if the file input is included through a sub-view ($lia->view(...)), then you'll have to add the enctype yourself, as the sub-view is added at runtime. & enctype is set at compile time... I might be lying a little. Not sure.
<form class="BlockForm" > 
    <!-- With a same-named View, the table will be auto-filled-->
    <!-- values will be auto-filled from the entity with id == $_GET['id'] -->
        <input type="text" name="title" />
    <label>Description <br>
        <textarea name="description"></textarea>

    <!-- Add a delete button -->
    <!-- Hidden input because `submit` is a poorly handled feature in -->
    <input type="hidden" name="fresh_delete" />
    <!-- It's the the delete button. We use javascript to add the name because of the poorly implemented `submit` feature
         It's hacky as heck, and I don't like it. But it's where we are.
        style="background-color:red;padding:0.4rem 1.0rem;border-radius:0.5rem;" 
        onclick="if (!confirm('Delete this?')){event.stopPropagation();event.preventDefault();} else {'fresh_delete';}" 

        These will be auto-added:
        <input name="fresh_table" value="THE_TABLE_NAME" type="hidden">
        <input name="id" value="the $id variable, generally from $_GET" type="hidden">

    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">

Yeah so,

I thought this is what I was gonna write.

Quick Example

Executing it

The View

The Form

Package Structure

  • public/
  • view/
    • Page_HomeView.php
    • Page_HomeView/
      • ContentLayout.css
      • Colors.css
    • Page_HomeForm.php
    • Page_HomeForm.css
    • Page_HomeForm.js

Create a View

Routing the view

Display the view manually

Create a Form

Route the form via associated view

Route the form manually

Display the form manually

Submitting the Form

Editing entities

Other notes