Browser Extension Framework

Vision: Browser extension are fun for new, inexperienced extension-developers, to engineer Mission: To provide a structure and methods that simplify the extension-building process Goals: 1) Define a directory structure 2) Provide a mechanism for loading any file type into an existing document (browser tab) 3) Provide a UI-loading mechanism, so view files can be loaded into a document & shown (likely as a popup) 4) Make dependency-loading available for scripts and html files 5) Build example extensions that utilize the framework (like the Stardew & Downloader Bookmarks) 6) Publish the framework 7) Continue developing features for it a) cross-browser pollyfills b) Allow content-scripts to access background-scripts or other out-of-context scripts, withOUT using the messaging api (how?) c) Expose background scripts to content-scripts (case-by-case?) d) Integrate my Auto-wire framework with it


There are several contexts when working with a WebExtension. This functionality is made much more challenging by the multiple contexts.

The contexts include:

  • background_scripts - they all have access to previously listed bg scripts (from the manifest)
  • content_scripts - has access to previously listed content_scripts which run on this same page
  • the-page - Scripts loaded into a page have access to other scripts found within the page.

Pain point:

  • content_scripts can NOT access variables declared in the page. My current strategy for requireing a script is to added a <script> tag to the page. I'm wondering... do content_scripts have a backgroundPage? Looks like no