New Component Design

There will be two versions of the new component design. The first will be, basically, flat. At least it contains a view, and probably a Form. But it can have a lot of features.

The flast structure is like so:

ComponentName - View.php - Form.php - Class.php (or ComponentName.php) (or Core.php ??) - event/ - - another.event.php - error.php - OR error/ - 404.php - 400.php - any.php or error.php or default.php

The most basic first version

1. Create a View
2. Create a Form
3. Create a public file which creates the component & displays the view
4. Pub file, create component, display the form
5. pub file, create component, submit the form

Things it should do

  • Specify route inside the view file, likely with markup
  • Form is auto-routed
  • Submission is automatically handled, including verifying post data against the form structure
  • View & Form can be auto-loaded by specifying HTML Attributes
  • The auto-loaded object is accessible by PHP anywhere in the view file
  • Permissions & Roles can be specified with markup on the view or with a custom html tag
  • Can add a custom Submit.php for completely custom handling
  • specify a "format" attribute to customize output on view. Maybe call it "decode"?
  • specify an "encode" attribute to customize encoding when received from form submission
  • The component can expose functions to "encode" and "decode" in its views
  • Minor-compilation pre-removes rb-attributes & queries inline, prior to the view being 'required'
  • No use of DOMDoc in production
  • Can set event handlers
  • rb-var="cat" to expose entity as $cat in php
  • Looping is available, so displaying a single view CAN show multiple copies of the view
  • Can seamlessly display after a query OR from explicit input
  • Can write custom submission hooks to encode user submission, add properties, or whatever
  • markup contains all necessary validation-information, is NOT delivered with the form and IS checked before submitting


  • query language is dot sql (changing from id:)
  • Convert routing to pure regex & compile an .htaccess that handles all routes
  • Can expose functions globally, to itself & to other components
  • Works without Liaison ?? Better with it
  • Query library can be changed with ease (currently RDB will be tightly integrated???)
  • The markup-processing can be extended & features can be added
  • Can use {{curly_brace_variables}} instead of PHP in places
  • Pre-Compiles the component for performance as well as features... possibly into a single file!
  • Can seamlessly integrate with a GRAPHQL API
  • All "encode" and "decode" function calls to include paramaters. Currently only simple things like "md" will work
  • Allow piping. Ex: "md | noscripts" to convert markdown to html, then pass that html to the "noscripts" function which will remove any