All projects, condensed into project name, description, and priority
Liaison - YES, is a web-app & website development system=
Liaison\User - YES, is a drop-in user-management system for websites
JS-Autowire - YES, is a DOM-interaction Javascript framework
Delegate - YES, Object Oriented collaboration of global paramaters
Task Director - YES, Complex, ordered task management
Liaison\Article - MEB/YES, A drop-in content-manager for websites
Decatur Cares - MEB/Yes, A site for organizing & publishing local causesex
FormTools - MEB/Yes, a suite of tools for working with HTML forms
- Anti-Spam - MEB/Yes, a php spam-controller for HTML Forms
- Input-Sanitizer - No, a php form inputs filter / sanitizer
- Auto-filler - MEB/Yes,
- Auto-saver - MEB/Yes, a PHP form-processer that uses OOP to plug user-input into persistent storage
PDO backed-by-file - MEB/Yes, a data-storage & backup mechanism to enhance PDO-powered websites
The Data Website - MEB, to host & nicely present a broad range of data
- - MEB, To host my own projects, articles, & tutorials
Shop-Decatur - MEB, To provide online-shopping to local businesses
PHP-View-Controller | Template-engine - MEB/No, an HTML-syntaxed template engine
PHP-Tester - MEB/No, a UNIT Testing library with a PHP & Web interface
Contact Form Lib - MEB/No, Provides a pretty simple drop-in contact form w/ some configurability
Head minifier - MEB/No, Mush together & minify parts of the
, such as stylsheets & scripts, possibly images -
Resource R("some.value") - NO/Meb, Provides site-wide resource lookup
How Ethical Is - NO/Meb, provides ethical information on companies, non-profits, individuals, gov` entities
Calendar Lib - NO/Meb, Provides an interactive drop-in calendar
Human Curated Search - NO/Meb, Provides a human-oriented & human-organized search engine
Fact-finding & building site - NO/Meb, Provides a web-interface for collaboratively reviewing & compiling sources to present facts w/ a "reliable" trust-rating
Software Dev App Store - NO/Meb, an store for developers to find software they need for their projects
MTG Wiz - NO, a website for looking up MTG cards & possibly buying them locally
WYSIWYG - NO, a full-featured utility for building websites, templates, and content
- - NO, The official Macon Zero website
- - NO, an environment-centric Macon Zero educational website
Is This Recycleable? - NO, a local recycling-education website
Download-Sorter (directory bookmarks) - NO, a browser extension to ease-ify selection of download directory
Color Manager - NO, A web-tool for managing & building a color pallette for your brand / website / whatever
PHP Tools (PDO, Arrays, Strings) - NO, a suite of tools for PHP Web Development
Tokenizer - NO, An opensource software project allowing PHP devs to more easily process text into hierarchical data
PHP-Mime-Delivery - NO, An opensource software project helping folks deliver raw files on their websites
Hours-Selector - NO, An opensource HTML & CSS project for providing an hours-picker UI. May include a collection of similar/competing projects
PHP-Autoloader - NO, An opensource autoloader for PHP
NFP Team Hub - NO, a drop-in utility for a small non-profit's own website, for organizing in that NFP
Events Library - NO, A drop-in liaison app for events (but has no calendar?)
Web-notes - NO, a personal note-taking web-app w/ integrated tag search
Query-args - NO, a tool for building MYSQL queries in PHP
Tag Search System - NO, an extensible tool for performing searches on any data set
Meta Package - NO, a suite of tools for managin meta-information on a website
- Website menu builder - NO, a tool for managing a website's menu items
- Page details editor - NO, a tool for managing meta-information for a page like title, description, tags, etc. For SEO & internal use
Site Admin - NO, a tool for managing a a web-app and/or website and/or webpage
Data-Tools - NO, a tool for processing & visualizing data sets
- - NO, a website for hosting information about Decatur & helping citizens engage effectively
- FOIA education - NO, a set of pages that teach folks how to send FOIA requests & provides information about local FOIA offices
- FOIA upload & search - NO, a utility for managing FOIA requests & sharing them publicly
- Decatur Law - NO, a tool for viewing & searching Decatur's laws
- Council Meetings - NO, pages to share information about council meetings & host public discussion
IL Law site - NO, a site for viewing & searching Illinois's laws
Multi-lingual PHP - NO, a software package to facilitate calling code of other languages through direct PHP object-oriented methods
PHP Documentor - NO, A liaison drop-in web-app for displaying software documentation & parsing source-code for documentation
Call-Permissions - NO, a software lib for micro-managing access to particular pieces of "public" code
Super Smash Move-Masher - NO, a website/tool for smash-ultimate players to create their own character move-set mashups & share them
Head Merger - NO, a php-lib for combinin
tags together into one<head>
tag -
Meta-deriver - NO, a php-lib to derive title, image, description, etc from Schema Markup
PHP-plus - NO, compile PHP source code into a more-object-oriented syntax (wrapping strings & arrays in objects)
JS Trait - NO, provide trait-like functionality to a JS class