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Scaffolded out a bit of an example in test/src/BlogOrm.php

I wrote a really simple lilorm executable to run it from the cli. Wrote a couple starter functions for creating tables.

Right now, it's pretty far off from what I want

LilOrm Goals

  • integrate with LilDb project
  • have a SIMPLE cli-runner to create tables and do migrations
  • Have a SIMPLE interface for defining tables
  • Have a SIMPLE interface for loading queries into objects

An object that would represent a database row. Features:

  • $id_column, necessary for running UPDATE
  • save() function
  • callback-approach to saving relationships
  • callback-approach to loading relationships (maybe)
  • Can be used anonymously.
  • magic __get() to handle loading complex things (such as lazy loading comments on a blog post).
  • pre-save callback

To handle DB operations, the Db object needs:

  • a lildb instance
  • a table name
  • an id_column
  • a list of properties to store in db


We'll have a root object LilDbRow (or something) that represents the object as loaded from the database. You can use LilDbRow as-is OR you can override it if you need any normalization or easier use.


  • protected $properties = []; // these are db properties
  • protected $id_column = 'id';
  • protected $table = 'tbl_name';
  • protected $src_row = [];: the row as it was loaded initially (often from the db)

Utility Methods

  • __construct($lilDb, $table, $id_column,$row=[])
  • set_lil_db($lilDb) or set_db($lildb)
  • set_row($row)
  • save() will UPDATE or INSERT depending on null/not-null of id column
  • delete() will delete the row

Methods For Overriding

  • willSave(): returns $this->properties[] but can (should) be overridden for custom functionality
    • maybe willSave($properties)
  • didLoad() or didLoad($row): Return an array of properties, which gets set to $this->properties
    • so if you don't like the DB's format for something, you can modify it in didLoad and willSave, or you can just override getProp and setProp to get it in the format you want

Other Methods

  • __get('prop') calls getProp() or get_db_prop('prop') (returning from the array)
    • Also use this to get non-db props. Like, if you have a slug db prop, you might declare getUrl() to build a full url from the slug + the host + the blog category or something.
  • __set('prop', $val) calls setProp($value) or set_db_prop('prop', $val) (setting it to the properties array)
    • only set to properties array if the props array is empty OR the property is already defined in it

Static Properties

  • static public $lilDb: Used by static functions for easier instantiation
  • static public $table: If this is null, I want to derive it from the class name ...
  • static public $id_column = 'id':

Static Functions

  • static public function new(): return new ThisClass(static::$lilDb, static::$table ?? strtolower(static::class), self::$id_column)
  • static public fromRow($row): return ::new() but also set the row
    • MAYBE have new() accept an optional row, then fromRow($row) can modify the row if we wish
    • how are invalid properties handled?


We'll have a root object LilDbTable (or something) that is used to create a table & handle migrations. This could be part of the LilDbRow, but that sounds like clutter. It could be organized into traits, maybe. I like everything being together. But one piece is distinctly for working with rows in your codebase. The other is distinctly for setting up your database. I think these should be separate. I also don't like the different parts of the same thing being separated, so idk.


  • static public $lilDb: Used by static functions for easier instantiation
  • static public $table: If this is null, I want to derive it from the class name ...
  • static public $id_column = 'id':

Static Utility Functions

  • create($version): calls create_version()
  • delete($areYouSure=false)
  • empty($areYouSure=false)
  • migrate($fromVersion, $toVersion) calls migrate_v1_to_v2()

Other Notes

  • I want a way to create/migrate all my tables, then call:
    • all_tables_created() and all_tables_migrated()
      • good time to add foreign key constraints, since all the table exist now!
  • I want a way to execute sql queries on the table & return either array rows or LilDbRows.
    • MyTable::getBlogs();
  • I want a really simple way to separate out JOIN rows and create an easy interface for integrating into the resulting object
  • If i have an array of array-rows (by using LilDb directly), I want an easy way to convert that to an array of LilDbRows.
  • maybe an objectify callback that takes a row & returns an object (this is overlap with LilDbRow)