namespace Taeluf\Permissions;
class Arr implements IPerm {
protected $file = null;
public function __construct($srcFile){
$this->file = $srcFile;
$this->data = $this->loadData();
public function can($performerUUID, $action, $consenterUUID){
// We get consent first, because that's what matters most
$consenterActions = $this->data[$consenterUUID];
if (($consenterActions[$action]['consent']??null)!==true){
return false;
// Now we check if performer is capable of said action
// which is LESS important than consent (but still very important as far as code goes)
$perfActions = $this->data[$performerUUID];
if (($perfActions[$action]['perform']??null)!==true){
return false;
return true;
public function getPermissions($uuid, $type=null){
$perms = $this->data[$uuid];
//figure out the format we want & return it
public function addPerform($uuid, $action){
$this->data[$uuid][$action]['perform'] = true;
public function addConsent($uuid, $action){
$this->data[$uuid][$action]['consent'] = true;
public function removePerform($uuid, $action){
public function removeConsent($uuid, $action){
public function storeChanges(){
$file = $this->file;
$ext = pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext=='php'){
$data = var_export($this->data,true);
$put = file_put_contents($file,$data);
return $put;
} else if ($ext=='json'){
$data = json_encode($this->data);
$put = file_put_contents($file,$data);
return $put;
protected function loadData(){
$file = $this->file;
$ext = pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext=='php'){
$data = include($file);
if (!is_array($data)){
throw new BaseException("Your PHP file '{$file}' must return an array.");
return $data;
} else if ($ext=='json'){
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$data = json_decode($content,true);
return $data;
throw new BaseException("File must be 'php' or 'json', but '{$ext}' was given");