Design Spec for a WebExtensions framework

Gist: This WebExt framework will provide a set of features for more easily working with documents, views, and dependencies.

Contexts: Three contexts will be considered here: background_scripts, content_scripts, & web_page (original document on which content_scripts run). Scripts already existing on or inserted into web_page are in a different context than code inside content_scripts. Other contexts, such as sidepanels and popups will not be considered in the initial spec, as the primary goal is to work in the context of a web page.

- a require(relFilePath) function will load .js or .css files into the web_page context if called from content_scripts, or into the background_page if called from background_scripts
- a show(viewPath, tabId?) function will load a .html view into the associated web_page context if called from content_scripts. If called from background_scripts, the html view will be added to either: the active tab of the active window, or the tab specified by tabId
.... - The ViewName.html file (specified w/ viewPath) will often specify resources like scripts, stylesheets, or images with regular html syntax. The view will additionally be wrapped in a div with css class="rbear-view-wrapper" before being appended to document.body
.... - The relative url paths listed in the .html view will be re-written with the extension prefix before being added to a web_page
- require_once and show_once functions will do the same, except only the first time they're called for the given paramaters

- All loadable dependencies MUST be listed as web_accessible_resources. /dir/* is a convenient way to list multiple dependencies.
- a content_script must specify it's dependencies in the manifest.json, and MUST include the dependency upon the framework
- a background_script SHOULD specify it's dependencies in the manifest.json, and MUST include the dependency upon the framework
- a web_page can only define dependencies through a view or it's associated content_script (calling require from c_s)
- By design, the framework is not available in the web_page context. One can call require from content_scripts to make the framework available in the web_page. This functionality MIGHT work anyway, but it will not be tested or expected to work
- To call view from background_script, The activeTab permission MUST be added the manifest.json
.... - Research Needed: An additional permission MAY be required when working with a specific tabId, instead of the activeTab

Potential Eventual Features:
- A custom events system
- call insert to add a string to the document body
- call insertHtml to add html to the body
- Allow other file types to be included in a document with require
- a getFile function which returns the text-content of a file. Given the async nature of things... This will probably have to be done with a callback
- background_script can insert dependencies into any web_page
- Remove dependency upon activeTab permission by adding a message handler to content_scripts to handle background_script calls to view
- add a require_on_web_page function, which can be called from the background_script to add dependencies to any content_script or any tab.
- Extend functionality and testing to additional contexts, such as sidepanels and popups

Unlikely, but considered features:
- call run from a content_script to execute a function in it's web_page. This is a very much desireable feature, but it may not be possible.
- dependency loading into the content_script scope.
.... - I don't think I can programmitically add a script to the content_scripts scope. I have tried eval, messaging to use browser.tabs.executeScript() on a background_script (which also requires an addiitonal permission). When I add the <script> to the document, it is available in the web_page context, not the content_script context.