namespace Tlf\Provi;
//project isn't the right name ...
class Project {
/** the url prefix (generally not specific to the project */
public $prefix;
/** the full url to the project's home page (including the current branch and type) */
public $project_url;
/** the full url to the project's git page */
public $git_url;
/** the branch */
public $branch;
/** the name of the project */
public $project_name;
/** The type of the request: docs, src, project_listing */
public $type;
/** absolute path to the branch's directory on disk */
public $branch_dir;
/** default branch name */
public $default_branch;
/** absolute path to the docs dir */
public $docs_dir;
/** relative path to the file being requested. Path within the requested dir (either docs dir or branch dir */
public $rel_file_path;
/** relative path to the dir being requested. either dirname($rel_file_path) or $rel_file_path if it is already a directory request */
public $rel_dir_path;
/** absolute path to the requested file */
public $abs_file_path;
/** absolute path to the requested directory (either dirname($abs_file_path) or $abs_file_path if it is a dir) */
public $abs_dir_path;
/** true/false whether current branch is default branch or not */
public $is_default_branch;
/** full url to view source for the current project & branch */
public function src_url(){
$branch = $this->is_default_branch ? '' : ':'.$this->branch;
return $this->prefix.'/'.$this->project_name.'-src'.$branch.'/';
/** full url to view docs for the current project & branch */
public function docs_url(){
$branch = $this->is_default_branch ? '' : ':'.$this->branch;
return $this->prefix.'/'.$this->project_name.$branch.'/';
/** alias for $project_name */
public function name(){
return $this->project_name;
/** alias for $branch */
public function branch_name(){return $this->branch;}
/** absolute path to the current base directory ('branch dir' or 'branch dir / docs', basically */
public function current_base_dir(){
if ($this->type=='docs')return $this->docs_dir;
return $this->branch_dir;
* The project url + the rel_file_path
public function current_url(){
return $this->project_url.'/'.$this->rel_file_path;
/** alias for rel_file_path */
public function current_rel_url(){
return '/'.$this->rel_file_path;
// $current = $this->current_url;
// $rel = substr($current,strlen($this->prefix));
// $rel = '/'.$rel;
// return $rel;
public function __get($prop){
return str_replace('//', '/', $this->$prop());
* get array of all branches
public function all_branches(){
$project_dir = dirname($this->branch_dir);
$branches = [];
foreach (scandir($project_dir) as $f){
if ($f=='.'||$f=='..'||$f=='.git')continue;
$url = $this->prefix.'/'.$this->project_name.':'.$f;
$url = str_replace('//', '/',$url);
$branches[$url] = $f;
return $branches;