* Get the content for the requested file / dir
* @param $project a project from $provi->parse_url2()
$path = $project->abs_file_path;
if (is_dir($path)
$source = file_get_contents($readme);
$extension = 'md';
} else if (is_dir($path)){
// echo 'dir dir dir';
// exit;
$extension = 'md';
$source = $lia->view('DirListing',['project'=>$project]);
} else if (is_file($path)) {
$file = $path;
$source = file_get_contents($file);
$extension = pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ('.'.$extension==basename($path))$extension = 'txt';
} else {
echo "The project or branch or file was not found.";
$mimetype = \Lia\FastFileRouter::get_mime_type('.'.$extension) ?? '.txt';
// $mimetype = \Lia\Content\RawContent::extensionMimeType($extension);
$mimeparts = explode('/',$mimetype);
if ($mimeparts[0]=='image'){
$blob = 'data:'.$mimetype.';base64,'.base64_encode($source);
$html = '<img src="'.$blob.'" />';
} else if ($extension=='md'){
$converter = new \League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter();
$html = $converter->convert($source);
if (isset($actual_liaison)){
$page_title_start = strpos($html, "<h1>");
$page_title_end = strpos($html, "</h1>");
$page_title = substr($html, $page_title_start+4, $page_title_end - $page_title_start - 4);
$seo_title = trim($page_title). ' | ' . $project->project_name.':'.$project->branch;
$base_url = $project->project_url;
$is_docs_request = false;
if (strpos($base_url, "-src/") === false
&& strpos($base_url, "-src:") === false) {
$is_docs_request = true;
if (substr($base_url,-1)=='/')$base_url = substr($base_url,0,-1);
// link correction
$html = preg_replace_callback("/(href=\"\/)([^\/]*)\/?([^\"]*)/",
function($matches) use ($base_url, $is_docs_request, $project){
// sample matches:
//[0] => href="/docs/api/code/addon/
//[1] => href="/
//[2] => docs
//[3] => api/code/addon/
$href = substr($matches[0],7);//$matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3];
if (filter_var($href, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false){
return "href=\"".$href;
return $matches[0];
if ($is_docs_request && '/'.$matches[2].'/' == $project->prefix){
// docs request AND the url points to the docs folder
return 'href="'.str_replace('//','/',$base_url.'/'.$matches[3]);
else if ($is_docs_request) {
// docs request and the url does NOT point to the docs folder (switch to src url)
$pos = strrpos($base_url,':');
if ($pos === false){
// this means we're looking at the default branch
$src_url = $base_url.'-src/';
} else {
$src_url = substr($base_url,0,$pos).'-src'.substr($base_url,$pos);
//if (strpos($matches[3],'Resources.php') !==false){
//echo 'zeep';
$new_url = $src_url.'/'.$matches[2].'/'.$matches[3];
return 'href="'.str_replace('//','/',$new_url);
} else {
// not a docs request, simply prepend the base url
return 'href="'.str_replace('//','/',$base_url.'/'.$matches[2].'/'.$matches[3]);
} else {
$source = htmlentities($source);
$basename = basename($path);
$html =
<pre><code class="language-{$extension}">{$source}</code></pre>
echo $html;