namespace Tlf\Provi\Test;
class GitlabHook extends \Tlf\Tester {
public function testReceiveHook(){
// I'll need to put this into a function so it's testable ... instead of keeping it in the public script.
// Use a sample hook payload
// store the payload ... however I want to
// use passthru `at` to schedule a git pull
// Maybe also use the `at` for other data processing ...
// I could probably update settings json files during the hook receipt.
// It'll be only milliseconds.
// Then yeah, just use `at` to schedule the git pull
// That way it can be very simple
// I might use a custom bash script to simplify calling git pull
// ... though that might just make it more complex! ooohhhh
// set a timeout
// after the `at` has had enough time to run, then verify the git pull is completed
// but how do I test a git pull?
// how do i want to store the data?
// main json file for editing by the user with project name, url, and initial branch (to be overridden by default branch after a git webhook)
// consolidated urls file listing only the urls that are valid for quicker git-hook updates
// a determined-settings-file initialized from the main json ... and updated automatically everytime a hook is received.
// This file would have project name, git url, description, default branch, and possibly other things.
// This is the file that is used for displaying the projects home page
// Do I keep a full settings file for each project? This might be a nice way to keep more in-depth information, like if I want to add official website url, twitter url, etc etc (meta information)
// I would rather keep multiple files and use a little extra disk space than have to do an excess amount of parsing.
public function testUpdateRepo(){
// idk
public function testValidatePayload(){
// checks the payload against the secret to make sure it is valid
// checks the git url in the sent payload to make sure it's a url we have on file
public function testUpdateProjectSettings(){
// process the payload
// update the default branch
// update project name and description
// get('/docs/') home page to verify project name and description are updated correctly