
#!/usr/bin/env php

$own_autoload = __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$from_bin_dir_autoload = dirname(__DIR__,3).'/autoload.php';
if (file_exists($from_bin_dir_autoload))require($from_bin_dir_autoload);
else require($own_autoload);

\Tlf\Server::$IS_TLFSERV_CLI = true;

// $cli->load_inputs(json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/defaults.json'),true));

$cli = new \Tlf\Cli();

    }, 'alias for help'

 * Run all the other commands 
    function($cli, $args){
        echo "\n\nRunning all commands\n";

        echo "\n\nDone running all commands.\n\n";
    }, "Run all the commands"

 * Generate an error page.
 * There must be a file with the localhost port either at `.phptest-host` or `test/Server/.phptest-host`
 * localhost server must also be running.
 * Error page is written to `cache/generic-error-page.html`
    function($cli, $args){
        echo "\nLocalhost Port retrieved from .phptest-host file in current working directory.\n";
        $host_file = getcwd().'/.phptest-host';
        if (!is_file($host_file))$host_file = getcwd().'/test/Server/.phptest-host';
        $port = file_get_contents($host_file);
        $host = 'http://localhost:'.$port;
        $response = file_get_contents($host.'/generic-error-page/');


        // get address of stylesheet
        $reg = '/\<link rel="stylesheet" href="(\/lia\-resource\.[a-z0-9]+\.min\.css)" \/\>/';
        preg_match($reg, $response, $matches);

        $stylesheet = file_get_contents($host.$matches[1]);
        $out = preg_replace($reg,"<style>\n$stylesheet</style>", $response);

        $cache_dir = getcwd().'/cache/';
            // __DIR__.'/../cache/
        if (!is_dir($cache_dir))mkdir($cache_dir);
// echo "\n\n\n-----------\n\n";
        // echo $cache_dir.'/generic-error-page.html';
// echo "\n\n\n-----------\n\n";
        // exit;
        $success = file_put_contents($cache_dir.'/generic-error-page.html', $out);

        if ($success){
            echo "\nError page generated!";
        } else {
            echo "\nError page generation FAILED :(";
    "Write error page to cache/generic-error-page.html by requesting /generic-error-page/ on localhost."

 * Generate sitemap for phad ONLY. Does not make sitemap for any other routes.
 * your deliver.php script MUST define `$server` and call `$server->enable_phad()`
    function($cli, $args){
        $err_rep = error_reporting();
        $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = null;

        echo "\nGenerating Sitemap File. Your deliver.php file MUST contain a var named \$server.";

        $dir = getcwd();
        if (!is_file($dir.'/deliver.php'))$dir = $dir.'/test/Server/';


        if (!isset($server->phad)){
            echo "\nYou MUST call \$server->enable_phad() in your deliver.php script in order to generat sitemap.\n";

        $output_file = $server->phad->create_sitemap_file();

        // error_reporting($err_rep);

        $verify = '<urlset xmlns="">';
        if (strpos(file_get_contents($output_file), $verify)!==false){
            echo "\nCreated sitemap file.";
        } else {
            echo "\nFailed to create sitemap file.";

    }, "Generate sitemap of phad routes"

 * Recompile all phad views
 * your deliver.php script MUST define `$server` and call `$server->enable_phad()`
    function($cli, $args){
        $err_rep = error_reporting();
        $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = null;

        echo "\nRecompiling Phad Views. Your deliver.php file MUST contain a var named \$server.";

        $dir = getcwd();
        if (!is_file($dir.'/deliver.php'))$dir = $dir.'/test/Server/';


        if (!isset($server->phad)){
            echo "\nYou MUST call \$server->enable_phad() in your deliver.php script in order to recompile phad items.\n";


        echo "\nRecompiling phad items DONE (hopefully, there is no verification currently)";
    }, "Recompile all phad views",

    function($cli, $args){
        // $err_rep = error_reporting();
        $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = null;

        // error_reporting(1|2|4);
        echo "\nInitializing analytics table. Your deliver.php file MUST contain a var named \$pdo & one named \$server.";

        $dir = getcwd();
        if (!is_file($dir.'/deliver.php'))$dir = $dir.'/test/Server/';


        if (!isset($pdo)||!($pdo instanceof \PDO)){
            echo "You MUST set \$pdo var to a \\PDO object in your deliver.php script";


        echo "\nRecompiling phad items DONE (hopefully, there is no verification currently)";
    }, "Create the analytics table in your database."

    function($cli, $args){
        $new = $args['--'][0] ?? null;
        if ($new!='server'){
            echo "Only supports 'new server' currently.";
        if (!$cli->ask("Create Server in ".$cli->pwd))return;

        $path = dirname(__DIR__).'/test/Server/';
        $from_path = $path;
        $files = scandir($path);
        foreach ($files as $child){
            if (is_dir($path.'/'.$child)&&$child!='.'&&$child!='..'){
                $children = scandir($path.'/'.$child);
                foreach ($children as $last){
                    if ($last=='.'||$last=='..') continue;
                    $files[] = $child.'/'.$last;

        $to_path = $cli->pwd;
        foreach ($files as $f){
            $in_path = $from_path.'/'.$f;
            $out_path = $to_path.'/'.$f;
            // echo "\n$out_path\n";

            if (is_file($in_path)){
                if (is_file($out_path)&&(isset($args['all'])||!$cli->ask("Overwrite $f?")))continue;
                else if (isset($args['ask'])&&!$cli->ask("Write ".$f))continue;
                copy($in_path, $out_path);
            } else if (is_dir($in_path)){
                if (!is_dir($out_path)
                        ||$cli->ask("mkdir ".$f)

    }, "new server --all to overwrite all files without prompts or --ask to ask for every file copy"
