File code/Server.php

class Tlf\Server

A (somewhat) minimal layer on top of Liaison & Phad to make them much easier to setup.



  • static public $IS_TLFSERV_CLI = false; set TRUE to stop deliver() from delivering
  • public bool $debug = false; if true, print error messages & always recompile everything
    See init() for initialization.
  • public bool $enable_error_route = true; Set false before calling init() if you want to implement your own /generic-error-page/ route
  • public array $phads = []; array of phad objects
  • public \Env $env; environment object
  • public \Lia $lia; Liaison object
  • public \Phad $phad; The most recently set Phad object. See $this->phads for list of all phad instances
  • public \Lia\Package $main; The main server package


  • public function __construct()
  • public function init($debug=null) Initialize liaison.
  • public function load_env(string $file) Load environment settings file
  • public function set_cache_dir(string $dir)
  • public function disable_theme() To disable the theme which generally provides a full HTML doc
  • public function file_route($dir) quickly route to a file in $dir
  • public function php_route($dir) quickly route to a script in $dir
  • public function is_request_to(string $url_prefix) Check if the request uri starts with the given string
  • public function addServer($dir,$name=null, $url_prefix'/') Add a standard Liaison server package for the given dir
  • public function env_pdo() Get a pdo object with a mysql connection that's defined in your env settings file
    The settings must define:, mysql.dbname, mysql.user, & mysql.password
  • public function phad_item(string $item, array $args = [])
  • public function enable_phad(string $dir, \PDO $pdo, $phad_class='Phad', $route_prefix'')
  • public function deliver() Run $lia->deliver() & automatically handle errors
  • public function debug()
  • public function enable_analytics(\PDO $pdo) 1. Save the current page to analytics
  1. Enable the analytics route, if phad is enabled