namespace Tlf\Tester;
* Stuff that doesn't belong in other traits & isn't about the core execution of tests
trait Other {
protected $inverted = false;
* called before your tests
public function prepare(){}
* Call `$tester->test('TestName')->compare($target,$actual)` to run a sub-test inside a test in your class
* Chaining is not required
* @export(Usage.test)
protected function test($subTestName){
echo "\n\n****$subTestName****";
return $this;
* Disable the current test
public function disable(){
$this->enabled = false;
* Invert test passage so failing tests actually passes them
public function invert(){
$this->inverted = !$this->inverted;
return $this->inverted;
public function print_r(array $array){
* get a printable version of an array (replace objects with their class names)
public function printable_array(array $array): array {
$out = [];
foreach ($array as $key=>$value){
if (is_object($value))$value = get_class($value).'#'.spl_object_id($value);
if (is_array($value))$value = $this->printable_array($value);
$out[$key] = $value;
return $out;
public function handleDidPass(bool $didPass, $print=true){
if ($this->inverted){
$didPass = !$didPass;
$extra=" (inverted)";
if ($print){
echo "\n\n";
if ($didPass)echo "+++pass+++$extra";
else echo "---fail---$extra";
echo "\n";
$passStr = $didPass ? 'pass': 'fail';
return $didPass;
public function targetVsActualOutput($target, $actual){
if (!is_string($target))$target = $this->comparisonOutput($target);
if (!is_string($actual))$actual = $this->comparisonOutput($actual);
// echo "\n";
echo "Target:\n{$target}";
echo "\n--\n";
echo "Actual:\n{$actual}";
echo "\n--------\n";
public function comparisonOutput($value){
if (is_object($value)){
return "Object of class ".get_class($value);
if (is_array($value)){
array_walk_recursive($value, function(&$value){
$value = str_replace(["\r","\n"],['\r','\n'], $value);
$pr = var_export($value, true);
$maxLen= 1000;
if (($this->options['prettyPrintArray'][0]??null)=='true'){
$oneLine = $pr;
$maxLen = 1500;
} else {
$oneLine = implode(" ",array_map('trim',explode("\n",$pr)));
$oneLine = str_replace('\\\\n', '\n', $oneLine);
$value = substr($oneLine,0,$maxLen);
if (strlen($oneLine)>$maxLen)$value .= '...';
return $value;
if ($value===true)return 'true';
else if ($value===false)return 'false';
return $value;