namespace Tlf\Tester;
* Convenience methods to call from inside tests
trait Utilities {
protected function startOb(){
return \Tlf\Tester\Utility::startOb();
protected function endOb($ob_level){
return \Tlf\Tester\Utility::endOb($ob_level);
* get path to a file inside the current working directory
public function file($rel_path){
return $this->cli->pwd.'/'.$rel_path;
* Delete all files in a directory
* @param $dir the directory to delete
* @param $recursive pass true for recursive deletion
public function empty_dir($dir, $recursive=false){
if (!is_dir($dir))return;
foreach (scandir($dir) as $f){
if ($f=='.' || $f == '..')continue;
if (is_file($dir.'/'.$f)){
} else if ($recursive===true&&is_dir($dir.'/'.$f)){