linux3 backup was added. it's basically the same as linux backup, except it creates & uses a configuration file. It also now will write a dry run to a log file.
Sep 10, 2022: tlf linux3
I made MAJOR progress on linux3 setup command. This comes with a new structure for the setup directory (formerly the system directory). The system directory in my personal projects/system/Fedora36i3wm uses the new setup. Everything is working for the setup part, except i have not yet implemneted the symlinks portion. I've broken apart the file and setup the arguments in the execute_symlinks() function, but I have not proceeded with any of the actual symlinking or implementing the options
code/core/linux3.bash is basically good to go (for setup)
code/lib/linux3.bash is where most development is taking place
I want to add backup and restore to code/core/linux3.bash
Once linux3 is done, i want to get rid of linux and linux2
OCt 21, 2021
I started the new project php function in new.bash. We'll get there.
cd into .config, then composer install
then run .config/vendor/taeluf/code-scrawl/bin/scrawl to generate docs & help menus
code scrawl (well, the lexer) mis-reads files when there's a {}. This is an issue in apache.bash & git.bash that both use {} as part of commands.
Fix my clock in / clock out script. It apparently doesn't work...
Latest (newest to oldest)
add edit function to edit bashrc file & others more easily
add https_url_to_ssh internal function to convert git urls
add tlf update spacevim and tlf update bashcli
added .bin/scrawl to easily exec code scrawl
got code scrawl working!
Implement latest cli library (from git bent)
add php group with tlf php server [port_number]
add step & step_run functions (to internal/linux.bash, but it could be used by anything)
Improve linux commands
Add linux backup, setup, and restore
clockin/out quality of life improvements
Add clock in / clock out / clock check / clock edit
update phpautoload to new setup
More small convenience commands
configure nemo dirs, i3, spacevim, other things
setup the brightness keybind (needed for i3)
create a .desktop file
Just... replace current cli workflows with tlf commands (I think i mostly have)