
#!/usr/bin/env bash

function help(){
    msg_header "Tlf Cli Framework"
    msg_instruct "cmd_name [command_group] [command]"
    msg "Any commands in the 'core' group can be called without specifying the group"

    prompt_choose_function \
        "# tlf [command] OR tlf core [command]" \
            "run core backupdb" "backupdb" "Backup a mysql database" \
            "run core phpautoload" "phpautoload" "Run your php autoload build script" \
            "run core serverdir" "serverdir" "Sets up the current directory as apache user & set permissions & update selinux to run under apache" \
            "run core ssh" "ssh" "Call Git Bent's load_ssh function with the ssh_keys_folder in your secrets/general.bash file" \
            "run core vhost" "vhost" "Setup the current directory as a virtualhost on Fedora, for Apache httpd" \
            "run core randomstr" "randomstr" "Get a random string" \
            "run core gitstatus" "gitstatus" "Get the git status of all direct sub-directories of the directory this is executed in" \
        "# tlf release [command] " \
            "run release setup" "setup" "Setup a directory with ssh-server connection settings" \
            "run release pull" "pull" "Download files from an ssh server" \
            "run release push" "push" "Upload files to an ssh server w/ rsync" \
            "run release ssh" "ssh" "Connect to your ssh server's cli" \
            "run release sshkey" "sshkey" "Create an ssh key & upload the public copy to your server" \
        "# tlf extra [command]" \
            "run extra refresh-firefox-window" "refresh-ff" "Refresh your Firefox window" \
        "# tlf clock [command]" \
            "run clock in" "in" "Clock In" \
            "run clock out" "out" "Clock Out" \
            "run clock edit" "edit" "Edit Clock Times" \
            "run clock check" "check" "Check Time worked" \
        "# tlf linux [command]" \
            "run linux setup" "linux setup" "Setup a new linux system" \
            "run linux backup" "linux backup" "Run a backup on your files" \
            "run linux restore" "linux restore" "Restore files from a backup drive" \