namespace Liaison\Test\Addon;
class Router extends \Tlf\Tester {
public function testCacheRoutes(){
$dir = $this->file('test/Server');
$cache_dir = $this->file('test/Server/cache/');
// how to test (each step is a new lia instance)
// 1: get the route map without cached routes
// 2: enable cache & run the server so routes are loaded & then cached. add some routes & get the modified (uncached) route map
// 3: enable cache, add several routes (which will do nothing), and get the cached routes
// 4: compare #1 route map to #3 route map (should be same)
// 5: compare #2 route map to #3 route map (should be different)
// 1: no cache
$lia = new \Lia();
$main = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'server');
$test = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'site', $dir);
$lia->cache->dir = $cache_dir;
$cached_routes = $lia->cache_file('lia:server.router.cached_routes_map','def', -1);
$lia->router->cache_routes = false;
$uncached_routes = $lia->router->routeMap;
// 2: Create cache
$lia = new \Lia();
$main = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'server');
$test = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'site', $dir);
$lia->cache->dir = $cache_dir;
$lia->router->cache_routes = true;
// this prepares the cache
$response = $lia->getResponse('/', 'GET');
$f = function(){};
$lia->addRoute('abc', $f);
$lia->addRoute('abcd', $f);
$lia->addRoute('abcde', $f);
$lia->addRoute('abcdef', $f);
$modified_routes = $lia->router->routeMap;
// 3: Use the cache
$lia = new \Lia();
$main = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'server');
$test = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'site', $dir);
$lia->cache->dir = $cache_dir;
$lia->router->cache_routes = true;
// this prepares the cache
$response = $lia->getResponse('/', 'GET');
$f = function(){};
$lia->addRoute('abc', $f);
$lia->addRoute('abcd', $f);
$lia->addRoute('abcde', $f);
$lia->addRoute('abcdef', $f);
$cached_routes = $lia->router->routeMap;
// $lia->dump($cached_routes);
// exit;
$this->compare_dump($uncached_routes, $cached_routes);
$this->compare_dump($cached_routes, $modified_routes);
$this->compare_dump($uncached_routes, $modified_routes);
public function testPatternAndParamatersToUrl(){
$router = new \Lia\Addon\Router();
$pattern = '/blog/{category}/';
$params = ['category'=>'some-category'];
$target = '/blog/some-category/';
$decoded = $router->decode_pattern($pattern);
$filled = $router->decoded_pattern_to_url($decoded, $params);
public function testExtractUrlParamaters(){
$router = new \Lia\Addon\Router();
$url = '/blog/some-category/';
$pattern = '/blog/{category}/';
$decoded = $router->decode_pattern($pattern);
$extracted = $router->extract_url_paramaters($decoded, $url);
public function testDecodePatternWithOptionalParamaters(){
$router = new \Lia\Addon\Router();
$pattern = '/blog/{?category}/';
$decoded = $router->decode_pattern($pattern);
$actual_decoded = $router->separate_optional_from_decoded_pattern($decoded);
// $all = array_map(function($a){unset($a['extraParsedPattern']);unset($a['optionalParams']); return $a;},$all);
// var_export($actual_decoded);
// exit;
$target = [
'pattern' => '/blog/{?category}/',
'parsedPattern' => '/blog/?/',
'params' => ['category'],
'methods' => ['GET' => 'GET'],
'pattern' => '/blog/{?category}/',
'parsedPattern' => '/blog/',
'params' => [],
'methods' => ['GET' => 'GET'],
$this->compare($target, $actual_decoded);
* Example of `$router->url_to_regex()`
public function testUrlToRegex(){
$router = new \Lia\Addon\Router();
$url = '/one/two/';
$test = $router->url_to_regex($url);
$target = '^\/(?:one|\?)\/(?:two|\?)\/$';
$this->compare($target ,$test);
* Example of `$router->decode_pattern()`
public function testDecodePattern(){
$router = new \Lia\Addon\Router();
$actual_parsed = $router->decode_pattern("/blog/{slug}/{id}/");
$target_parsed = [
"pattern" => "/blog/{slug}/{id}/",
"parsedPattern" => "/blog/?/?/",
"params" => [
0 => "slug",
1 => "id",
"methods" => [
"GET" => "GET",
$this->compare($target_parsed, $actual_parsed);
* Example of `$router->decoded_pattern_to_url()`. @see(testParsePatternExample) to see what the `$decoded` array looks like
public function testDecodedPatternToUrl(){
$router = new \Lia\Addon\Router();
$decoded = $router->decode_pattern("/blog/{slug}/{id}/");
$fill = ['slug'=>'cats', 'id'=>33];
$filled = $router->decoded_pattern_to_url($decoded, $fill);
$this->compare('/blog/cats/33/', $filled);