

namespace Liaison\Test\Addon;

class ViewOld extends \Tlf\Tester {

     * @test Exception message when view not found
    public function testViewNotFound(){
        $v = new \Lia\Addon\View();
        $v->addViewCallable('found', function(){return 'nah';});
             ->containing('Undefined index: not-found')
        try {
            $view = $v->view('not-found');
        } catch (\Exception $e){

     * @test Exception message when there are no views for the requested null namespace
    public function testNullNamespaceNotFound(){
        $v = new \Lia\Addon\View();
             ->containing('Undefined index: '.null)
        try {
            $view = $v->view('not-found');
        } catch (\Exception $e){

     * @test Exception when there are no views for the requested non-null namespace
    public function testNamespaceNotFound(){
        $v = new \Lia\Addon\View();
             ->containing('Undefined index: nons')
        try {
            $view = $v->view('nons:not-found');
        } catch (\Exception $e){

     * @test that a null-namespace view() call will fallback to a namespaced view (when null-namespace view was not explicitly set)
    public function testNoNamespaceFallback(){
        $v = new \Lia\Addon\View();
        $v->addViewCallable('lia:theme', function(){return 'ok';});
        $output = $v->view('theme').'';

        $this->compare('ok', $output);


     * @test views can be loaded from multiple namespaces
     * @test that overwrite happens when conflictMode == overwrite 
    public function testAddViewCallableWithNamespace(){
        $lia = $view_addon = new \Lia\Addon\View();
        $view_addon->conflictMode = 'overwrite';

        // This approach is extremely rudimentary and not recommended.
        $phrase = "Fight for your right to vote.";
            $liaTheme=function($name, $args) use ($phrase){
                return $phrase;
            function($name, $args) use ($phrase){
                return 'view with wrong namespace';
        $phraseAny = 'view with no namespace';
            function($name, $args) use ($phraseAny){
                return $phraseAny;
        $anyNamespace = $lia->view('theme').'';
        $this->compare($phraseAny, $anyNamespace);

        $specificNamespace = $lia->view('lia:theme').'';
        $this->compare($phrase, $specificNamespace);

        $this->compare('view with wrong namespace', $lia->view('wrong:theme').'');

    public function testAddViewCallable(){
        $lia = $view_addon = new \Lia\Addon\View();

        $phrase = "Fight for your right to vote.";
            function($name, $args) use ($phrase){
                return $phrase;
        $content = $lia->view('theme').'';
        $this->compare($phrase, $content);

    public function view_dir(){
        return $this->cli->pwd.'/test/input/Views/';