File code/class/Lia.php
class Lia
See source code at /code/class/Lia.php
public $addons = [];
Array of addons without namespaces, like 'router' -
public $fqn_addons = [];
array of addons with namespaces, like 'lia:server.router' -
public $methods = [];
array of global methods -
public $packages = [];
Array of packages identified by names like 'server' -
public $fqn_packages = [];
packages where key is fqn, like 'lia:server' -
public array $props = [];
key=>value properties -
public $prefixes = [];
Array wherekey
is the prefix andvalue
is a callable that is executed when a prefixed-method is found
callables must accept following args:
function($object, $method, $dot_name){}
Where $dot_name has the prefix removed & each_
replaced with.
public function __construct()
public function scan(string $prefix, object $object)
Scan object for prefixed methods & pass them to the prefix handler -
public function __parse__($key,$addon,$prop)
public function set($key, $value)
Set a key/value to an addon -
public function append($key,$value)
public function get($key)
public function has($key)
public function addAddon(object $addon, string $fqn)
Add an addon by it's fully qualified name -
public function addMethod($name, $callable)
public function has_method(string $method_name): bool
public function addPrefix(string $prefix, callable $method)
public function addon($fqn): \Lia\Addon
Get an addon by it's fully-qualified-name -
public function package($fqn): \Lia\Package
Get a package by it's fully-qualified-name -
public function __call($method, $args)
public function __get($addon)
get the named addon -
public function __set($name, $addon)
get the named addon -
public function dump_thing($thing)
public function dump($thing=null)
Dump a bunch of info about liaison. Methods. Addons. Properties. -
public function __map_array__($value)