File code/class/OldPackage.php
class Lia\OldPackage
Encaspulate multiple components, views, routes & other bits in a single directory as a package.
See source code at /code/class/OldPackage.php
public $name;
The configured name of this package or uniqid() if not specified -
public $dir;
The root dir for the package
@featured -
public $lia;
the liaison instance
@featured -
protected $compos = [];
All compos added.['name'=>$compoObject, 'name2'=>$otherCompo]
@featured -
protected $lifecycleCompos = [];
Components implementingLiaisonInterface\PackageLifeCycle
`protected $config = [
'component' => 'core',
'autoload'=> 'class',
'view' => 'view',
'cache' => 'cache',
'package_lifecycle' => 'package_lifecycle',
'public'=>[ 'dir' => 'public',
'baseUrl'=> '',
],'route'=> [ 'force_trail_slash'=>true, 'index_names'=> [ 'index' ], 'hidden_extensions'=> [ 'php' ], ], 'class'=> [ 'view' => '\\Lia\\Obj\\View' ], 'views'=> [ ]
];` Configurations for the package
This implementation is going to change, but I don't know how that's gonna work yet. I just know I don't like it.
public function __construct( $lia, string $dir=null, array $configs [])
Initialize package. -
Configs are loaded from a config file in the package. Any keys set in the $config array will replace values set in the config file
Setup is only performed if dir is non-null
public function setup(array $configs, string $dir = null)
Setup the package. -
public function onComponentsLoaded()
@override -
public function onPrePackageReady()
@override -
public function onPackageReady()
@override -
protected function lifecycle($name)
Execute the given lifecycle method on each component in this package
Execute same-named php file in the package'spackage_lifecycle
dir -
public function addComponent($name, $component)
Add a component to the package. -
protected function setup_config_file(string $configFile)
Load Config file. Currently$package->dir.'/config.json'
. -
public function fileToPattern($relFile)
Convert a relative file path into a pattern for the Router component -
public function set($key, $value)
Set a config on the package (Does NOT propagate to Liaison) -
public function get($key)
Get a config from the package (NOT from Liaison)
@featured -
public function class($forKey)
Get the configured class for the given key.
Shorthand forget('class.$key');
@featured -
public function compo($name)
Get the named component from the package -
public function dir($forKey=null)
Get the path to a directory in this package, or the package root dir if$forKey==null
public function url($path, $getParams=null)
Prepends base url to the given path & sets $getparams as querystring. Replaces all double shashes (//
) with single (/
) -
public function setup_autoload($dir)
Adds configured 'autoload' dir to the Autoloader component -
protected function setup_components(string $dir)
Load all components from the configured 'component' dir -
public function setup_public_routes($dir, $prefix=null)
Add all files in configured 'public' dir to the Router component -
public function setup_views(string $dir, array $args)
Add all views in configured 'view' dir to the View Component