
This is the documentation I WANT to have. It is not the real documentation... yet!

Install (Linux)

@todo include install instructions for git & composer

  1. cd website-directory/
  2. git clone vendor/taeluf/liaison
  3. vendor/taeluf/liaison/bin/liaison install
  4. composer install
  5. vendor/bin/liaison setup

Then open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser & follow the prompts.

Initial Setup

Most sections have defaults, and everything can be configured later.

Install first, then:
(maybe choosing a user login app is the first step?)

  1. Setup an admin user (email, password). Then Log in.
    • All the following steps require login.
  2. Select a theme (menu configuration comes later)
  3. Choose Brand Name, Site Header Text, Brand Colors,
  4. Choose Apps. Defaults are Pages, Contact Us, Files, Blog, Forms, User Login, Admin
    • Also Available are: Store, Automatic SEO, Mass Marketing, Treasury, Backups
  5. Configure Apps