File src/class/Http/Router.php
class Lia\Http\Router
HTTP router.
You configure it, add routes to it, then get routes from it, for a given request url & request method.
public string $varDelim = '/';
A string of characters that can be used as delimiters for dynamic url portions.
Affects all routes on this router.
This string will be passed throughpreg_quote($varDelim, '/')
before being used in a regex pattern. -
public string $theme_name = 'raw';
raw, html_page, or a theme_name for your default theme. -
public array $routeMap = [];
public array $hidden_extensions = ['php'];
Array of extensions to hide when generating routes from files. Defaults to php only.
array<int index, string extension> - extension should be lowercase text only (no period!)
public array $index_names = ['index.php'];
Array of index file names to hide when generating routes from files. Defaults to 'index.php' only.
array<int index, string index_file_name> -
public bool $add_trailing_slash = true;
true to add a trailing slash to route patterns that do NOT have an extension. false to disable. -
public array $route_args = [];
array<string arg_name, mixed value> Arguments to pass to every route. Each arg will be a defined$arg_name
public bool $allowExecutableFile = false;
Set true to allow executable files to handle routes.
public function clean_url(string $dirty_url): string
Standardize URL Path, replacing: -
space with '+'
quote with '%27'
multiple slashes with a single slash
public function has_static_route(string $path, string $method="GET"):bool
Check if static route exists. Does not check dynamic routes. -
public function addDirectoryRoutes(string $dir, string $base_url, array $with_args=[]): void
Add a route to each file in $dir. Handles static and php files.
NOTICE: This Http Router returns a list of routes & does not control how the calling code includes the file, or how it passes the $with_args.
public function addRoute(string $pattern, mixed $target, array $methods=["GET"],array $args []): void
Add a route.
NOTICE: This Http Router returns a list of routes & does not control how the calling code calls the target, or how it passes the $args.
public function getRoutes(string $url, string $http_method = "GET"): array
Get array of routes for the request. -
public function patterns_from_dir(string $dir, string $prefix=''): array
Get an array of route patterns from files in a directory. -
public function pattern_from_file(string $relFile): string
Get a route pattern from a relative file path.
'php' extension is removed. Other extensions are unchanged.
protected function separate_optional_from_decoded_pattern(array $original_parsed): array
Facilitates optional paramaters
Processes a parsed pattern into an array of valid parsed patterns where the original pattern may contain details for optional paramaters
protected function decode_pattern(string $pattern): array
Convert a pattern into a decoded array of information about that pattern
- /blog/{category}/{post}/ is valid for urls like
- /blog/{category}+{post}/ has no dynamic paramaters because the default delimiter is a
. - /blog/{category}/@GET.{post}/ is valid for GET
but not for POST request - /@POST.dir/sub/@GET.file/ is valid for both POST /dir/sub/file/ and GET /dir/sub/file/
- We do not currently check the name of the method, just @ABCDEF for length 3-7
- These must appear after a
or after another '@METHOD.' or they will be taken literally as characters in the pattern. - lower case is not valid
- Each method MUST be followed by a period (.)
- Set
on the router to change how named paramaters are separated. - Default
. It is a string list of characters. - {Param_Names} can include a-z, A-Z, and underscores (_).
- {param} MAY be at the end of a pattern with no trailing delimiter, like
- {?optional_paramaters} are supported, but shouldn't be used. They're confusing to use & may be removed in a future update.
TODO {paramName:regex} to specify a named paramater that must match a specific regex.
protected function extract_url_paramaters(array $decoded_pattern, string $url): array
Get an array of named paramaters from a url. -
protected function url_to_regex(string $url): string
Convert an actual url into regex to match against testPatterns.