File src/class/Utility/FancyClosure.php

class Lia\Utility\FancyClosure

Normalize callable usage & bind paramaters to a callable, like you can in javascript



  • public $bound; array of paramaters to pass to the callable when invoked
  • public $origCallable; The source callable as it was passed to this class
  • public $function null; An anonymous function, if the callable is an anonymous function
  • public $class null; The fully qualified classname, if the callable is an array like [$object || 'classname', 'methodname'].
  • public $object = null; The object, if the callable is an array like [$object, 'methodName']
  • public $funcName = null; The function name, if the callable is an array like [$object || 'classname', 'methodname']
  • public $isStatic = false; true if the callable is a static class function
  • public $isAnonymous = false; true if the callable is an anonymous function


  • public function __construct($callable, $boundParamaters)
  • public function __invoke(...$args) Invoke the given callable with any bound paramaters