File code/addon/Cache.php
class Lia\Addon\Cache
public $fqn = 'lia:server.cache';
public $dir;
The dir to write cache files to
public bool $enabled = true;
public int $stale_check_frequency = 60*24;
Number of minutes between stale cache checks
public $main = 'main.php';
The main file to write to & read from
public $configs;
Key=>values that get written to disk in a single file (call $cache->write())
public function __construct($lia=null, $namenull)
public function main_file_path()
public function read()
reads main key=>value pairs from disk into memory
public function write()
Write main key=>value pairs to disk from memory
public function is_cache_file_valid($key)
Check if: cache is enabled, cached file exists, cached file is NOT expired
public function get_cache_file_content($key)
Get content of a cached file, if cache is valid
public function get_cache_file_path($key)
Get path to cached file if cache is valid
public function cache_file_path($key)
Get the path for a cached file
public function cache_meta_file_path($key)
get the path to a meta file, which contains expiration time of cached files
public function cache_file($key, $value, $maxAge=60*60*24*5)
Store $value to file by identified by $key
public function delete_stale_files()
Delete stale cache files IF a stale cache check is required
public function run_delete_stale_files()
Delete stale cache files (unconditional)
public function is_stale_cache_check_required()
check if stale cache check is required
protected function deleteStaleCacheFiles()
public function create_dir($dir)
Creates directory if it does not exist.