File code/addon/Server.php
class Lia\Addon\Server
A very bad integration of the Router & other addons & utility classes that makes it easy to send a response
public $fqn = 'lia:server.server';
public $bufferResponse = true;
true to flush the output buffer after sending headers & echoing response -
public $useTheme = true;
true to enable theme
false to disable theme
public function __construct($lia=null, $namenull)
public function protocol()
public function urlWithDomain($relativeUrl)
public function getResponse($url=null, $methodnull)
public function apply_theme($route, $response)
Applies the theme (if response->useTheme & server->useTheme are true) -
public function process_route($route, $response)
Process a route & setup the response's content & headers -
public function try_redirect_to_corrected_url($url, $method)
This is a sloppy bad function that needs rewritten -
public function send_response($response)
public function deliver($url=null, $methodnull)
protected function closeConnection()
Close the connection with client. May not work on all hosts, due to apache/server configuration, I'm pretty sure. -
public function requirePhpFileRoute($route,$response)
public function getDistinctRoute($routeList)