File code/class/Objects/Route.php
class Lia\Obj\Route
A simple object to hold route information for a matched route.
Nothing documented here is enforced by this class. It's all passed TO it.
If a different Routing component is used, it might not follow the currently documented usage in this class.
See source code at /code/class/Objects/Route.php
protected $paramaters = [];
Paramaters extracted from the url, based upon the route.
requested by/blog/happy-cats/
would yield['slug'=>'happy-cats']
protected $url;
The requeted URL without any GET params -
protected $method;
The request method, like GET, POST, etc -
protected $urlRegex;
The regex that captured the url -
protected $paramaterizedPattern;
The declared route, unparsed, like/blog/{slug}/
protected $placeholderPattern;
A simplified pattern for the route-selection algorithm
For declared route/blog/{slug}/
, $placeholderPattern would beblog/?/
protected $allowedMethods = [];
Array of methods that are valid for this route. Such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc -
protected $target;
The thing being routed to. A callable or an absolute file path -
protected $package;
The package that create the route which was matched.
public function __construct($details)
Make a route
Sorry, I'm not documenting this further.
Usage is in Router component, in the route() method. -
public function part($index)
The piece of the url to return
Ex url:/part1/part2/part3.php
. -
public function param($key)
Get a named url paramater.
Ex: for/blog/{slug}/
returns the slug -
public function var($index)
Get a named url paramater by index (zero-based) -
public function package()
public function url()
return the requested url -
public function method()
return the requested method (GET/POST/etc) -
public function target()
Get the callable or file this route points to -
public function type()
get the type (is callable vs. is file) -
public function isCallable()
check if target is callable -
public function isFile()
check if target is a file -
public function fileExt()
get the file extension if target is a file -
public function paramaterizedPattern()
Get the target pattern for this route with {param} declarations -
public function placeholderPattern()
Get the target pattern for this route with placeholders (?) -
public function allowedMethods()
array of methods allowed for this route -
public function paramaterCount()
number of url paramaters -
public function paramaterNames()
names of url paramaters -
public function paramaters()
array of paramaters -
public function isStatic()
true if there are no paramaters in the route pattern -
public function isDynamic()
true if there are paramaters in the route pattern