JS Autowire: Overview

This file contains: - Features List - Recent Changes - New documentation - Condensed instruction of functionality

You should look at the USAGE & EXAMPLE doc files, probably. For code.

Docs: (eventually) View the docs on ReedyBear.com/docs/js/autowire/

Features (incomplete)

  • Automatically attach a Javascript class/object to a DOM Node
  • Reference other AutoWire objects (& their attached nodes) with 1-line autoproperty methods.
  • Create multiple contexts in which AutoWire objects can relate
  • Declare event listeners (like onclick) in your class to add the listeners to the nodes.

New Features: (not documented elsewhere)

  • Requests can be sent and responded to more easily. In an Autowire class, call this.send(url, data, this.responseMethod, requestMethod="POST");. responseMethod will be auto-bound with the same this which calls this.send. this.responseMethod accepts one paramater, which is a JSON Object. If the request does not return a JSON object, it will not work.
  • (no tests) Set this.context = this.nodeContext(node.parentNode,contextName='default') to set the context based upon a node. A unique id is generated for the node passed to nodeContext(...). contextName is optional & usually not necessary
  • (no tests) autoprops always return an array now. Previous it returned null if not found, the object if only one found, and an array if > 1 found
  • (no tests) this.oneProp will load a single object for _prop(){ return 'ClassNameOfTarget' }. If one item, returns it. If multiple items, returns the first (no intentional ordering). If no items, returns null
  • (no integrated tests) __ready() is called after ALL autowire() calls are resolved, thus allowing you to reference siblings during __ready(), which you could not reliably do during __attach()


  • You can ignore the php directory. I am using it for build purposes because I'm predominantly a PHP dev & not set up for a js-dev workflow
  • The liaison directory is for integration with my home-brewed PHP framework
  • the old directory contains code I want to hold onto and maybe use at a later time.
  • The test directory has tests, but php/run-test.php puts those tests together (& builds & includes the minified framework)