Install JS Autowire

  • Download/copy Autowire-min.js & deliver it on your own server
  • TODO: <script type="text/javascript" href="#PATH-TO-CDN"></script> (Because who doesn't host their js package on a CDN?)
  • TODO: composer require rbear/js-autowire (a PHP universe thing...)
    • I still need to sideload to packagist
  • TODO: npm something something (A world I'm new to)

Install with Composer

I have NOT made a packagist package or created a release.
So, in your composer.json:

"require": {
        "taeluf/jsautowire": "dev-master"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url":  ""

Then do one of: - Get the Autowire-full.js or Autowire-min.js from the downloaded repository. - $jsCode = file_get_contents( \JSAutowire::jsFullPath() ) for non-minified - $jsCode = file_get_contents( \JSAutowire::jsMinPath() ) for minified code - Use Liaison

For Liaison

If you use Liaison, do the following:

$liaison = new \Liaison(); //the instance you're adding all your components to for a site