#!/usr/bin/env bash
import core/apache-fedora
# apache localhost management
function apache(){
run help apache
## Sets up the current directory as apache user & set permissions & update selinux to run under apache
function apache_dir(){
msg "this function is disabled because I don't need it any more AND the commented line below caused parsing issues when it was uncommented that stopped the help menu generation from working correctly"
source "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/secrets/general.bash"
read -p "Set dir ${curDir} as apache group? (y/n)" doServer
if [[ "${doServer}" != "y" ]]; then
echo "Canceled...";
didSudo="$(sudo pwd)";
## sudo find "${curDir}" -type d -exec chmod g+s {} +
sudo chmod +x "${curDir}/.htaccess"
sudo chown -R "${apache_user}" "${curDir}"
sudo chgrp -R "${apache_group}" "${curDir}"
find $SERVER_PATH -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod 771
find $SERVER_PATH -type f -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod 660
find $SERVER_PATH -type f -name ".htaccess" -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod o+r
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "${curDir}(/.*)?";
sudo restorecon -RF "${curDir}/"
## old code I'm not using any more...
sudo chgrp -R "${apache_group}" $SERVER_PATH
sudo chown -R "${apache_user}" $SERVER_PATH
find $SERVER_PATH -type f -name "*.sh" -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod ug+x
sudo chmod -R ug+x $BASH_DIR